Chapter 2: The Realization

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3rd Person POV

The Next Day

Jinwoo didn't really want to get up, but he knew he had to. Jinwoo wasn't really a early bird to say the least. He can if he really wanted to, but if he d

doesn't have to, he won't be one.

After struggling to get out of bed because of his tiredness, looked to the side after something caught his eye. It was a green piece of paper. It seemed his soulmate had gotten his mark first, which means his soulmate was older than him. Jinwoo didn't care that his soulmate was older than him, so he just continued on his day. He was relieved that his soulmate had their mark because then he didn't have to wait and it would also be easier to find them.

Jinwoo was just going to stay home for today because he doesn't have any jobs as a hunter right now and he doesn't know what to do today.

Jinwoo decided to take a shower first. While in the shower, he thought about where he saw his soulmate mark at. He knew he saw it somewhere, but he of course forgot. He thought he saw it on TV before. Probably around 2 years ago at most. And that's when his mind clicked. It was an interview with the Chinese Hunter, Liu Zhigang. He had just turned 18 and had received his own soulmate mark that had appeared on his back. No one had seen a mark as big as his. His Soulmate Mark was the same as Sung Jinwoo's Soulmate Mark. Liu Zhigang and Sung Jinwoo were soulmates.

Jinwoo couldn't believe it. Jinwoo was said to be the Weakest Hunter to ever live, and so to be the soulmate of the Strongest Hunter in the world. How was he supposed to even meet him? Its going to be almost impossible! Well.. almost impossible.

Jinwoo could just fly there and meet him, he doubts anyone would let him in. If he was to get stronger, then maybe he would be able to meet him. But how would he get stronger? That was a question that Jinwoo had kept in his mind for a while.

After about 45 minutes, he got out of the shower to get changed. He put on a black turtleneck with a whiter sweat shirt over it. He also put on some black leggings because he didn't feel like putting on any jeans. He also didn't put on any shoes.

He then went to make breakfast for him and Jinah. Jinah was going to be waking up soon because he had school. He simply made some eggs and cut up some watermelon for breakfast.

Right when he got done making Jinah plate, she came out of her room. She had already taken a shower and has changed. She also put her hair up in a high bun.

"Morning, Oppa" Jinah said in a very tired voice. The shower apparently didn't wake her up.

"Morning. I just got done with your breakfast." Jinwoo said while giving Jinah her plate.

"Oh, I almost forgot, what color paper did you get?"

"A green one."

"Ooh, so your soulmate already has their mark?"


"So that means you don't have to wait for them to get their mark. Do you know who your soulmate is?" Jinah was really curious about the soulmate mark because she hasn't gotten hers yet and she finally has someone to talk to that has one.

"My birthday was only yesterday." And even though Jinwoo's birthday was yesterday, he already knew who his soulmate was. But he wasn't going to tell his sister that yet.

"I know, I was just curious. You never know, you could have met your soulmate yesterday."

"You're going to be late for school," Jinwoo said as he pointed to the clock on the wall.


"You better get going"

"I am, I am!" Jinah quickly ran out of the house heading to school.

'She should have been paying attention to the time'

Jinwoo was on the couch looking at his phone when something popped up on the TV.

"Attention! It has been said that Hunter Liu Zhigang's soulmate has just received their Soulmate Mark yesterday!"

And that was another clue that he and Liu Zhigang were soulmates. Of course the marks were all you needed, but the more the evidence, the more it became true.

Jinwoo was still thinking about how he was supposed to meet Liu Zhigang. Like he thought of before, he could just fly there and meet him, but it would still be hard to meet him. This question stayed in Jinwoo’s mind for a long time.

Jinwoo just pushed that thought to the back of his mind once again. To get his mind on something else, he decided to go shopping for food. Jinwoo then put on some shoes and left the house to go to the store.

At The Store

Once arriving at the store, Jinwoo was still thinking about what to get. He knew what to get, but also didn’t know what to get at the same time.

He decided that he would get what he thought he needed. He didn't really need much, but he also wanted to get things for the future so he doesn’t have to come back for a while.

Jinwoo was currently in the fruit aisle thinking about what to get there. His favorite fruit was strawberries, so he was of course going to get them. He was also going to get some blueberries because those were Jinah's favorite. Watermelons were something they both like so he thinks he is going to get one for now. He didn’t really want any oranges because of how sticking they get. Apples are also good, but they seem to always get them and he is getting kinda tired of them. If he was going to get apples, he would get the green ones. He doesn’t really want any bananas unless he were to make a smoothie which he does not plan on making. He was already planning on getting grapes for some reason. As much as he doesn’t really like grapes, he seemed to get them quite a bit compared to the other fruits.

He then moved onto the next aisle since he was now done with the fruit aisle. He was now where the chicken and everything was. He didn’t really think he wan’t chicken right now so he moved onto the next thing. He was probably going to get beef but he was going to come back to it. He was going to get bacon because his sister had said that she wanted some for the next time they had breakfast.


Jinwoo was now done with shopping. He was currently waiting to checkout. Surprisingly, it didn't take long to check out.

Jinwoo got home an hour before Jinah arrived, so he still had time to get food ready. He was just going to make a small snack for her when she gets back. He had a small bowl of blueberries and some chocolate for her. He put that in the fridge while he waited for her to get back from school.

About 45 minutes later, Jinah arrived home yelling “Im Home!”

Jinwoo replied back with “I put something in the fridge for you!”

Jinah then yelled again saying “Thank you!”

“Your welcome”

They were yelling because Jinwoo was in his room and it was still hard to hear each other even though they were yelling.

At 8:00, Jinwoo decided to get up from his bed to go make dinner for both him and his sister. He didn’t make anything big like usual, just enough for them not to starve when they go to sleep.

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