2. Something New

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April 10th,1998
7:58 pm
Los Angeles, California

"Change of plans children were going to David Buster's Lisa exclaimed

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"Change of plans children were going to David Buster's Lisa exclaimed. Here I was stuck in my car in my backseat with Lisa's friend Lloyd while her ass is driving us to David Busters Lisa always does this extra type of shit like I love her and all and she's my big sister and all but she always is babying me and treating me like I'm a kid, yeah she may be older than me but that doesn't mean anything I honestly think she does it as a joke but anyways we finally arrived at the arcade and entered the building was packed with people "What y'all wanna do?" Lisa asked "I don't know it's pretty crowded here I said feeling a bit uncomfortable "Come on Let's take photos together me and Lisa hopped in the photo booth taking pictures while Lloyd looked at us and laughed "while you over here laughing come and join us!" Lisa enthused. Finally, Lloyd got in and sat right beside me, and when I tell you I could feel the heat and tension build up in my body, and not only that he smelt good from the scent of his cologne. "Yo you aight?" he asked
I shook my head as we proceeded to take more pictures. "Aight picture time is over" Lisa informed we hopped out of the booth and made our way to a basketball gaming booth as we headed towards it we noticed a slightly tall bald guy was standing there "Is that who I think it is, " Lisa said curiously.

Before I could say one word the man turned around "Paaac! Lisa shouted running and jumping in his arms. I forgot these two were an on and off couple especially since they're both Geminis which that kind of explained everything.

He glanced up at me and Lloyd "what's up Liyah and Lloyd! We both said hi in unison and made our way to the nearest table and sat down and the waiter asked what drinks we wanted I order a Pepsi while Lisa , Lloyd, and Pac ordered margaritas ya see I would've ordered one but I'm not that type of girl who drinks so to hell with it.
"Pac I'm starving like a hooker in the church she informed.

"Well, baby find what you wanna eat I'll pay for all of y'all he said as he kissed her neck. Aww ok, big papa, she said giggling while looking at the menu. "Aaliyah girl what you getting?" Lisa asked looking up at me with the menu in her hands. Ahh, I don't know I'm kinda on a diet I explained. "A diet?!..girl you better eat while you can!" she said frowning at me. "Ok alright," I said rolling my grabbing the menu. "Lloyd you know what you want?" I asked. Yep some good old-fashioned hot wings " he exclaimed. The waiter came to our table and asked what we wanted to order pac went first ordered buffalo wings with French fries and a side of blue cheese then the waiter asked for Lisa's order.."I'll have the white pasta with shrimp and two sides of crab-legs" she informed to the waiter. I and Lloyd looked at each other because we know damn well Lisa wasn't gonna eat all of that food. "And for you mam the waiter said as he held his pen and pad getting ready for my order.."Well, I'll have the butterfly shrimp with fries and a little salad on the side. The waiter finally made it to Lloyd " I'll have the traditional hot wings with ranch he said to the waiter and then just like that the waiter was done with our orders informing us that they would be out with our food shortly.

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