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The pro hero Blair Johnson was sitting through a boring hero meeting that she was required to be at. He looked around the room he was in, it was her first time in that specific meeting room and he got the seat at the end of the table. The room was large with a big table with other pro hero's sitting around it. There is only a door and no windows. Blair was still in her school's uniform due to the fact that the meeting started during her lunch break. They twirled a piece of her hair around her finger, the black and white colors twirling perfectly with each other.

Blair heard their name and he looked at the other end of the table. Sitting at the other end was Nezu, the principal of UA. He could be a mouse or a tiny bear, they weren't really sure. "Yes Principal Nezu?" Principal Nezu had his usual smile on his face as he looked back at Blair.

"Mr. Johnson, you're paired up with Mr. Brooks for your patrol today!" Nezu stated as he gestured to a white haired male that was sitting to his right. He had beautiful baby blue eyes, his eyes looked almost porcelain as he looked at Blair.

"Okay! We can go after school then. I can change in the-" The white haired male spoke up, cutting Blair off from what she was saying.

"Actually Blair you are dismissed from all your classes for the rest of the day so you can rest." he told Blair with a soft smile on his face

Blair's eyes lit up as she smiled happily "Wait really?"

Nezu would chuckle softly. "Yes, you can go to your dorm after the meeting is over!"

"Thank you sir!" Blair would smile softly at Nezu.

Blair would continue to listen to the other heros speaking, at the same time he was thinking about a few different things. One of the main questions was why he was paired up with her Language Arts teacher. It only happened once in a blue moon when a teacher was paired with a student. Blair decided to ask the teacher when they were on patrol together.


Once the meeting was over Blair grabbed her things. As he was grabbing their things the white haired male walked over to Blair. Blair looked up at the hero because he was slightly taller than Blair. "Hey, I'm Keaton! It's nice to meet you Blair! Principal Nezu told me all about you. Say, how does your hero work not distract you from school work? Your grades are amazing!" Blair would grow a shade of pink, her cheeks glowing from embarrassment.

"It's nice to meet you too, Keaton! And I don't know, other heroes usually ask for my help after school. If I'm in class, heroes only call for my help when it's an emergency." Blair stated as Keaton chuckled softly.

"Well I probably shouldn't keep you here. Go to your dorm and rest Blair. Also where would you like to meet before our patrol?" Keaton asked with a smile on his face

Blair would stop and think for a moment. "There's a boba shop that I enjoy going to, maybe we could go there!"

Keaton smiled brightly and grabbed a piece of scrap paper off the table. "Let me use a pen real quick!" Blair would grab a pen out of her bag and would hand it to Keaton. Keaton took the pen gently from Blair's hand, he would write something on the paper.

After he finished writing he carefully tore the paper and handed both the paper and the pen to Blair. Blair looked to see what was written on the paper. "That's my phone number, you can text me the location of the boba shop when you get the chance. Now I've gotta get back to my classroom!"

Blair smiled sweetly as she put the paper in their blazer pocket. "Bye Keaton! I'll see you later." Keaton waved as he walked out quickly.

Blair finished putting her stuff away, he quickly said goodbye to everyone. Blair rushed out of the room, she ran down the hallway. Blair was quickly passing all the classroom doors, the lights inside were dim as the warm sunshine came in through the windows. Blair slowed down and looked out the window, he had a beautiful view outside, she came to a complete stop as he looked out the window.

Outside the gates of UA High School was the news press desperately trying to get their daily news of the school. Blair sighed in annoyance, he knew that if she was caught trying to leave through the front gates they would be stopped for questions. Blair would think for a moment. Once he had a plan she started running towards the front door.

Blair stopped in front of the door, she walked over to a nearby window. They opened the window and carefully hopped outside, once she was outside he would use his quirk to transform herself into a black and white swallow. Blair would fly over the gate laughing quietly to himself, once she passed over the press he transformed into her normal self. Blair laughed as the press looked at her. Blair looked at the people, and smiled mockingly.

One of the people spoke up "Discord! Do you have time for a few questions?"

"I'd love to stay and answer your questions, but unfortunately there's somewhere I need to be." Blair stated mockingly as he bowed, he stood up straight and started running towards the dorms as the press followed her.

Once they got to the dorms he stood near the gates of the dormitory. A news reporter spoke up. "Pro Hero Discord, we just want a few questions answered!"

Blair would chuckle. "I'm sure you do, but like I said, I have somewhere I need to be. Now if you'll excuse me~" Blair would turn around and would start walking to the entrance of the dorms, silently waiting for the reporter to try and follow her.

The news reporter would start to get mad, the anger showing in her face. "I'm going to get some answers whether you like it or not!"

The camera man would look at the news reporter. "I wouldn't try to pass that gate if I were you."

"Why not! I need answers from her!" The reporter stated angrily as she tried to follow after Blair, only to be stopped by numerous metal doors slamming in her face.

Blair laughed loudly and would float up so she was looking down at the people over the gates. "I can't believe you actually tried to follow me!" Blair was laughing at the specific news reporter.

The camera man would look at the reporter. "UA has an advanced security system. You need a special ID to enter." Blair calmed down and looked at the reporter.

"You should've listened to the camera guy over there~" Blair would chuckle mockingly. "I'll think about having a small interview but it's only a maybe right now" Blair would fall back, he transformed into a swallow and would fly up to his dorm.

Blair would enter her dorm through the window. Her dorm was decorated in a light blue color, blue being her favorite color. The dorm had a bed in the corner of the room with a desk beside it. There were printed out photos hanging on the wall of her friends when she had to travel abroad for work. There were small fairy lights hanging from the ceiling giving the room a warm glow.

Blair would get changed into a black turtleneck sweater, and jeans. After doing so he would grab his phone and would unlock it. She would grab her outfit blazer and would grab the piece of paper out of the pocket. Blair had entered the number into her phone, saving the contact name as 'Keaton'. After doing so he would place their phone in his pocket.

Blair would smile happily before transforming into the same swallow as before and flew out the window. Once he was outside he started flying straight towards the forest, knowing exactly where he wanted to go.


And that's all for now! I hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter!~<3

Forbidden Love~ A hero x villain storyWhere stories live. Discover now