¬Love At First Sight

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Ring! Ring!
You yawned as you turned off your phone's alarm. It's your first day being a 9th grader, you fixed your bed and got ready for school.

Ate your breakfast, brushed your teeth, took a bath — your usual school day morning.

At the time you finished, you took your things and waved goodbye to your parents. You now took the jeepney ride to your school.


You finally arrived, you head to the entrance and took a deep breath before you stepped in. You looked for the room you're suppose to be in, thankfully you found it easily.

You slowly stepped in, and looked for vacant seats. There's alot of vacant seat actually. I guess I'm too early. You thought as you looked at the time- 6:02am.

There's a few students earlier than you, some of them are familliar, some of them aren't. You walked in and took an empty seat at the back.

Few minutes pased by and a tall red-haired man entered the room. You thought he was beautiful, you were flattered by his beauty. He walked in and You we're surprised, it's like the gods heared you — he sat next to you.

You tried to stay calm and hide your flustered face, Oh god what do I do-!

That's where it all started, when you first saw him. You were so thankful he sat next to you.


"Diluc Ragvindr? I haven't heared of  him, maybe he's a transferee?"
Your best friend, Amber said.

Amber was your best friend as long as you remember, she's there when you need help the most. Though she moved out and went to another city last week.

"Yeah he is, I can't believe he sat next to me!" You said, through a phone call.

Amber laughed at your response, "You just met him and you're already inlove? You haven't even talked to him!" She teased.

"Hey! I bet you'll also act like me if you're in my situation." You pouted.

"Yeah yeah."

"Should.. Should I talk to him?"

"Hell yeah! You should."

"Hm I don't know, I'm kinda nervous , what if I messed up? What if I ended up confessing? Ugh!" You growned at the thought.

"Chillax, you can take your time to talk to him."

You sighed, "But what if some girls already talked to him, or ask him out!"

"Oh don't overthink now, I'm sure you'll got to ask him first than them."

"I hope you're right..."

"Well, goodnight! Make sure to sleep well so you'll look good tomorrow, you can't let him see you tired now!"

You laughed, "Yeah, will do, you too! Goodnight."

"Nighty night!"

Call ended

You sighed
I hope I can talk to him without messing up.


You can't sleep. He's on your head all night, what drug is he? It's like you're addicted to him, well not in a psycopath way, you just can't forget how beautiful he is. You swear he's the most prettiest person you've ever known.

Ring! Ring!

Your eyes suddenly opened at the noise. Holy shit, it's time already? I just slept!! You sighed.

Rubbing your eyes , you got up and got ready for school.


You can't focus in class. Not only because of him, but you're also tired!

You were feeling euphoric because of last night. You didn't realized you almost slept, good thing Diluc tapped your shoulders.
"Hey, you ok? You looked tired. But you can't look sleepy here, I heard this teacher is very strict." he whispered.

You swear it was embarrassing but him talking to you made you awake.

"O-oh... Thank you.." you whispered back.

An hour passed by and it's luch break. You decided to ask him if you guys can eat together. Hopefully it'll not be awkward.

He stood up, you were panicking.

"Hm?" he noticed you were trying to say something.

"I uh.. Was hoping if we can eat lunch together?.."you smiled sheepishly.

A smile curled up in his face and replying with a small nod, "Sure. "

Oh god.
His smile is gonna be the end of me.

"Do you wanna eat here or?"
He asked.

"Mhm.. You decide"


He decided to just eat there at the room.

You both was quiet. Only the noise from outside was heared. You don't want to talk, you'll just embarrass yourself!

"So.. Your name is Y/n right?"
He broke the silence between you two.

"Mhm. " you nodded.

"Ah... The name's Diluc, I think you already know.."

Yeah, I already knew, you're all in my head last night.

You nodded once again, smiling.


Your interactions continued to be like this, just small talks. Oh how you wish to have a long chat with him.

But then it's like the gods heard you again.

You and Diluc teamed up for an art project. And it was his idea for you guys to team up!

Since then you guys became best friends.

This is probably the best school year I've ever had. You thought.


How was it? I hope you enjoyed. Pls do give me some tips to improve! Tysm<3

Madly Inlove! - Diluc R. x Fem! Reader (High School AU) Where stories live. Discover now