Chapter 4

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Hi guys! So I have been pretty busy with my school play, but I am going to get this out there! I hope you like it & if you have any books you are writing you should comment because I would be more than happy to read them! SO let's get to it!

*sorry this is so short!!!! I will write a super duper long xhapter next time!* (:


"This is where you can sleep" Troy said leaning agaist  the thresh hold of the room door. It was a small room, in Troy's pretty big apartment.

"This room is nice, thanks Troy." I say laying on the queen sized bed, ready to fall asleep and forget the night.

"If you need anything I'm in the room across the hall. Good night Valerie." I could sense the awkward in his voice, taking home a girl he barely met. Hell, I could feel it too.

"Good night!" I yell through the closed door. I nestled into the bed, getting cozy and warm. I took in every aspect of the room; beige walls that were undecorated and a large rug spread in the middle of the room that read 'If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know' -Louis Armstrong

I smiled. I didn't even knew Troy liked jazz, I didn't know much about him actually. I just knew he beat up his friend for me. Me.

With that thought I drifted into my dreams.

I loved dreaming, taking you places you might never go, seeing things you might not ever see. It was an escape. I've always dreamt, I used to tell my mother what happened in them. Until everything happened. She would sit in amazment as I told her my detailed dreams every detail explained.

Until the memories faded and that amazing, wonderous person was gone.


"Ughhh" I moan into my pillow flipping onto my pillow. I hated waking up. Coming back to reality sucked.

"Well good morning sunshine." Troy chuckled.

My eyes bursted open with a billion questions.

"When did you get here?" I whispered, this headache from last night was not helping at all. I barely remembered anything.

"Maybe that was a good thing."  I said to myself.

I turned to face the large alarm clock sitting on the little table beside my bed.


"I have to go!"  I yell, standing straight up and walking into the large bathroom, attemptng to put my hair up into a ponytali.

"Why so soon? I will miss you." I felt a flutter in my stomach, as he put on the puppy dog face trying to convince me to stay.

"I have to pack all of my stuff at my mom's, go to work, not mention homework.." The list goes on. I fell so stressed out it' absolutely crazy.

I exited the bathroom leaving my hair down. I remember one thing from last night and it was the ay Troy looked at me when I let my hair down. I mean why fix what's not broken? Basically running around the small apartment, I grab my phone. Checking for calls, texts, maybe even an e-mail..

1 New message from: Bella<3

Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? I miss you.

I haven't talked to Bella in months, maybe even a year. I stood shocked. She ditched me for her 'real friends'. I wasn't to emotional about it, but she was my only friend. After her leaving, I never had a friend. I was too afraid of getting abandonded. I had a good reason too. I would love to have a friend again. I smile quickly before typing back.

Yeah, your house? See you at 2.

"I better get going. Call me?" I say heading out of the door.

"Yeah, and you night need this." Troy came a bit closer, nothing in his hands.

"What do I ne-" I guess what I "needed" couldn't wait.

He kissed me.


It was like walking on clouds, I've never been kissed before.

"Guess you better get going, right?" He smirked. I wasn't even prepared to answer his question, I didn't know what to say. Gosh, I was so confused.

Basically being shoved out of the front door, I left.

Street, after street.

I hated walking for long periods of time. Not even knowing when you could reach your destination. Walking to slow, or even walking to fast. I was walking to my job, I worked at Barnes & Nobles.

Sunday to Thursday, from 10 to 2 weekends, and 5 to 8 weekdays. I loved it.

Helping people get lost in books like I did was personally a dream come true.

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