chapter 1

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Hello wattpad! I have decided to write this because it's a story worth telling. If you are viewing this thank you! (: please comment your opinions and message me! Again, thanks xo,



Everyday I would pack my things and leave. Walk anywhere, and not stop. I would just be tired of reality. Hoping that walking would help me get rid of it, quickly realizing that my theory is wrong I would turn around and walk straight back where I came from.

The cold icy air surrounding me, the snow leaving my footprints, and cars zooming by probably wondering what a girl like me was doing out alone. I don't know, honestly what I was doing out alone. Searching maybe?

"Valerie! Get back in here! Is this an everyday thing?" My mom yells from a distance. I see her figure; short and a little on the overweight side. The cause of my problems, her.

"Coming." I say in monotone. Looking straight ahead a tear runs down my face. The only warm thing on me making my face tingle. "Back to hell." I say under my breath. Looking at my feet I trace my steps back to my house.

"If you actually were useful you would clean the house, you ungrateful, undese-" I stop her, interrupting her speech of my how horrible of a daughter I am. "I did 2 hours ago." I say trying to be a nice person, unfortunately it doesn't work on her. I mean it never has, but worth a shot right?

"DO IT AGAIN DAMMIT!" Hands clenched suddenly released on my still cold cheek, slapping me.

"You don't own me anymore you know that right? I'm 18." I say back, spitting my words of fury turning red. I'm sick of it. Sick of this she-devil thinking she is everything to me.

"Oh really?" Smiling, pushing me onto the tile floor, crushing me by stomping on me. I wince at the pain. Laying on the floor a few seconds more, I feel her smirking. I stand, walking over to the door grabbing my keys and i'm out the door. I think I deserve respect, it's not a lot to ask to be honest. I've never had respect.


I drive, and keep driving arriving at Barnes & Noble the place I go to get starbucks and read my heart to my heart's content. Reading to be is not fun, it's just an outlet to escape. Put yourself in the story and imagine . Think of somewhere better than where you are or where you'll ever be.

Shutting the car door I quickly walk to the welcoming doors of my favorite place to be. I've come here every time I would be pushed around by my mother, since 14. I would walk getting stares from the concerned employees. But what do they know? A girl with bruises all over her comes to read everyday, snow or shine. That's all.

A smiling starbucks worker, (probably has seen me about a dozen times.) Welcomes me "Hello, Valerie. The usual?" He says.

"Yeah, thanks Lou." I smile back. My cheeriest voice you would hear from me, probably ever. I hand him a 5 dollar bill, getting a small white chocolate mocha in return. Sitting down at a near by table I stare at the Minnesota traffic raving by. Sighing, i open a book and begin to become a person in a new book. This was my unusual daily routine.

"Hey, you mine if I sit here?" A handsome man says, pulling out a chair and sitting at the table I am currently at.

"You do realize there are about 10 other tables.. That are completely empty, right?" I say back. Hopefully my harsh tone won't frighten him. Instead he sits down and smiles. I roll my eyes and concentrate

on my book.

Now where was I..

"I'm Troy, and you are..?" Reopening conversation. His bright blue eyes staring into mine.

"I'm Valerie. Call me Val." I say back, pushing a fly away hair out of my face and placing it carefully behind my ear.

"Look, I know we just met. But there's something intriguing about you. I hope that's not super creepy." He laughs, showing his bright smile. I don't want to smile, but I do. I hate having a crush. Makes you feel vulnerable. Like your love life is in their hands.

"Yeah... Um, I gotta go. Sorry.." I cut off i forgot his name. I just met him at forgot.

"Troy." He responds.

"Troy. See you around?" I say back.

"Just read your starbucks cup. Call me if you want to meet up. Please?" He steps closer writing his number on my cup. This is a first.

"I will, maybe. Goodbye Troy." I leave Barnes & Noble, book in one hand, fate of a relationship on a cup in the other.

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