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attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.
Bellatrix de Altalune, princess of the Altalune empire was captured for her beauty and was to be sold on the black market as a sex slave...
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"Are you alright m'lady? You seem to be panicking..." Felix reached out to the white haired princess who flinched and backed away in distress while mumbling incoherent words to herself.
"this can't be happening...why am i here? why in bellatrix's body of all things??? this is bad so bad, i don't wanna die, i can't die, i refuse that fate..." (NOTE: no caps mean whispering/mumbling) She was only brought out of her panicked state when Felix touched her shoulder making her jump in surprise.
"Putain!...ah hello? Who...who are you again?" 'I need to act oblivious if I want to survive in a world like this' Felix smiled at her and bowed. "Felix Robane at your service m'lady." She smiled nervously and nodded at him.
"I see...bye." She started walking away quickly, Felix stood up and chased after her confused. "M'lady do you even know where you're going? Or how you're going to survive? The directions? What about food?" He fired questions rapidly at her while following closely behind like a puppy.
"Well I'm going to the Altalune empire which is my home, I'll just try, not a clue, I can cook so I'll make a plan." She fired answers right back at him which made him panic at the fact that she had no exact plan. He reached out to her shoulder making her exclaim in surprise and - somehow, with her weak body - flip him over her shoulder and almost twist it.
"Ah! I'm really sorry mons- sir, but please don't touch me. I really need to go now, so bye!" She let go of him and walked rapidly while he scrambled to stand making sure not to touch her.
"Why don't you come to the Obelian Empire? It'll be easier and you'll be safe." She stopped moving and turned to look at him while thinking to herself. 'Hmm this could actually go in my favor...I remember the Princess Athanasia being a babe right around when Bellatrix was kidnapped...I wanna see her'
"Fine then," she looked at him and held out her hand waiting for him to do something with it, he at first looked at her confused then slowly lifted it up to kiss the knuckles of them in confusion. She blushed.
"W-what are you doing?!" she then hit him across the head and jumped - surprisingly - at least 5 feet (60 inches) back in alarm. He rubbed the sore spot, shocked once again at the little and gentle looking woman's strength. He thought she was a gentle person? Guess you can't always trust the rumors...
"Well I- uh I thought that was what you intended for me to do when you held out your hand, seeing as many woman do that expecting that result..." she nodded her head slowly, coming to terms with the fact.
'I'm sure I can bullshit my way through this...make up some shit ass laws in Altalune and hope no one finds out...yeah'
"I apologize for my rash behavior Sir Felix, it's just the Altalune empire such activities are only performed by married couples..." he blushed and immediately bowed down his head.
"I am deeply sorry for my inappropriate behavior Princess Bellatrix Lucienne Elin de Altalune of the Altalune Empire" 'Damn that name is so fucking long...maybe I can bullshit my way outta this too' she reached down and pat his head, ' soft and fluffy' she thought as she forgot the situation and just ruffled his red hair more in amazement and jealousy.
'Why couldn't my hair be this fluffy?! I used all the best products in my past life too...' she started to sulk, Felix - who had stood from his bowing position a while ago - stared in confusion and worry at the sulking woman in front of him.
"Are you alright Princess?" she stiffened and looked up and him with a nervous smile while chuckling.
"Of course," she stammered "your hair was just so soft I got lost in it..." she then looked away whistling.
'Are you crazy Margo?! You don't say that to a guy you just met! No matter how fucking nice he seems, you learned that the hard way and you're already doing this bullshit again AHHHHH-!'
"You don't seem okay Princess, are you sure you don't need some assistance?" oh how kind of him, but really she just wanted to sleep. So she walked to where his back was and jumped on him making him stumble forward as he was not prepared for the impromptu piggy-back ride he was now required to give the Altalunian princess.
"Heading to Obelia madam?" his was teasing her and she knew it, but decided to humor him just this once.
"Of course my good sir, move along now, there's no time to dilly dally!" he chuckled and started walking forward towards the novel's main setting; The Obelian Empire. Bellatrix shivered in excitement.