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attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.
Bellatrix de Altalune, princess of the Altalune empire was captured for her beauty and was to be sold on the black market as a sex slave...
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"Are we there yet?" Felix sighed as it was the 15th time the Star Princess asked him the question.
"No Princess, we have not reached Obelia yet..." it was freezing right now as it was night and they were only 1/3 of the distance needed to arrive to the Empire they're headed to. He was exhausted, she was hungry and was being very vocal about it. Seriously, how could the rumors paint her as a gentle housewife? He vowed to never believe rumors again.
"Fè," she had taken to calling him that "lemme down, and go hunt for something please, I'm cooking some food" he let her down from his back- oh did I forget to mention? He carried her on his back the whole time, what a legend.
Moving on from that, he looked at her in worry while she crouched down and started trying to make a fire. What this man doesn't know is that in Bellatrix's past life, she got all the badges for girl scouts. Overachievers am I right?
Soon enough, Felix came back with 3 rabbits being held from the ears as Bellatrix stood and grabbed one while reaching for the perfect sharp rock she found. She started to cut off the fur of the creature and walked to a river she found while searching for a sharp rock.
Felix followed her and tilted his head in curiosity.
"What are you doing?" the only sign of her hearing him over the loud crashing of water was her hum.
"I'm cleaning the rabbit, can't eat it dirty unless you wish to die." wow, she's really different from the rumors. He had thought that as a princess, she wouldn't get herself dirty and such, at least not willingly. No princess he's met likes getting dirty.
"I there any way that I'll be able to assist m'lady?" she hummed in thought and nodded her head.
"Be a chère and start a fire for me to cook to rabbit." he nodded while confused at the word she used.
As Felix started the fire, Bellatrix skinned and cleaned the rabbits so that they'd be ready for cooking. She was starving.
"Mmmm~ thwish ish shwo gweud (this is so good)!" she spoke with her mouth full making Felix chuckle from across her with amusement as he ate his own piece of rabbit. He'll admit it was good, especially with the herbs she added inside the skin before getting it cooked.
He swallowed the juicy meat.
"It is good, but tell me m'lady. How did you learn to cook so well? I've never heard of adding herbs into the meat before cooking it." she froze halfway from chewing and swallowed it quickly making her choke. He hurriedly stood and pat her back as she spit out a bone.
"W-well...uh I observed! Yes, I observed the chefs in the palace, I was a very active baby heh..." she looked down and Felix nodded. She quickly stood making him jump.
"I uh, I have to do my business!" he blushed and nodded at her as she sped-walked into the woods. He looked down and stared at the meat still on his stick and put it all in his mouth bringing out a hum of happiness from him.
From what Felix observed, Princess Bellatrix was an outspoken and confident woman, seemingly not caring about what other people thought of her mannerisms. She was interesting in his eyes, she could cook - which no princess is obligated to learn - and he was certain she could do other things as well, it's just a matter of what she can do he thinks.
"Ahhh! You big idiot! Why the fuck would you do that?! He could've become suspicious!" Bellatrix dragged down her face with her hands in frustration.
"but the food was so good! No! It could get you killed! But the food...ARGH!" she ruffled her once perfectly cared for hair.
"It's fine, just act as if you've always been like this, Bellatrix might not have but you're not her! You're Margo Bazin! The world's greatest in everything...yeah, so go out there and be you! Some cake would be nice though..." Bellatrix left the forests leaves to where she left the red-headed knight.
"Are we ready to go Fe?" he looked up at her, while she stared down at him and nodded. He turned his back to her and held his arms behind him, ready to continue carrying her. She walked back and jumped on him making him stumble a bit before holding onto her properly.
"Continuing on our journey back to Obelia." she snuggled into his neck as she tried to sleep, which flustered him. He could feel her breath on his neck and it did things to him that he would rather not disclose, so he just continued on.