Start Of Something Good

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*Song for this chapter is Start of Something Good by Daughtry*

Harry's POV~
I was really nervous. Today Zayn was taking me to the carnival. Edward had told me he wanted to go..but he had practice. You see..Edward was a boxer.

No one knew but Zayn & me. I knew because it had started way back when I was 12 in foster care. At first it was just training..but when he turned 14 he joined an underground fight club.

Zayn found out after a particularly bad fight last year, & Edward had shown up at his house so that our foster family (aka The Payne's) wouldn't see him all beat up.

That was the first time Edward had lost a fight. Crazy, I know, but that's just how good of a fighter he was.

Zayn has been covering for him ever since, & they've gotten quite close. I think Edward likes Zayn more than Louis..I know I do at least. Although, if I'm honest..I'm a little biased. I mean..I had a huge crush on the guy.

Which is yet another reason I'm so nervous for today..what if I embarrass myself in front of him? What if I run out of things to say to him? Which trust me, is inevitable.

I never know what to say to people..except Edward. But he didn't count.

"Edward?" I ask, knocking on his door softly.

"Ah-fuck. One sec." I hear him stumble around a bit before the door swings open.

"Yeah?" He answers, slipping on his signature black v-neck.

"I-I don't know w-what to wear." I say, slightly embarrassed.

"Haz, it's just a carnival." He says, & I look up at him with pleading eyes. I was desperate..I wanted to look cool, like Zayn.

"Alright, alright." He sighs. "What have you picked out so far?" He asks.

"Nothing..n-none of my c-clothes are cool en-nough.." I stutter out.

"Haz..relax. Deep breathes, ok? You're not going with Louis, you're going with Zayn, he's cool ok? He won't make fun of you, I promise." He says soothingly.

I nod, taking in a deep breath. "Okay." I say.

"Good. Just..try to relax. Your stuttering gets worse when you're stressed." He says, & I nod slowly.

"I know..I-I'm trying." I say quietly.

"I know, look you only stuttered once that time. That's a good thing Haz. Now go get dressed, I need to drop you off at Zayn's before practice." He says, before shutting the door again.

I sigh walking back to my room, he never told me what I should wear..

I look through my closet for the umpteenth time today.

"Hey Harry have you seen my red converse anywhere?" Liam's voice sounds through my door.

"T-they're in t-the l-living room." I reply, before sighing & sitting down on my floor in front of the closet.

Why can't I stop stuttering lately? What if Zayn makes fun of it? I bite my lip, I don't want to go anymore..this was a bad idea.

"Haz? You ready?" Edward asks, opening my door. I shake me head, not looking up from the ground.

" ok?" He asks softly, kneeling down next to me.

"I want to look you.." I sigh, burring my face in my hands.

" do look cool. Just the way you are. C'mon, get up. I'll help you." He says, moving my hands down.

I smile slightly & he gets up, grabbing my dark purple jeans, a white t-shirt, & a blue blazer.

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