darkness engulfed my being
i kept on restraining myself
stopping the tears, on the verge of falling
i don't know what i'm feeling.a heavy burning sensation rests on my chest
help, i'm trying to breath
i- i can't handle this shit
what is happening to me?H E L P. W H A T I S T H I S ? ! ? !
i'm trapped.
i saw someone, she looks like me.
crying, beging for mercy.
what is she? are we the same person?
why is she stuck in a prison?i- i was happy
oh yeah
i remember
she's me
from the present.what a mess i've become.
will she get through it?
she will, i know.
i'm strong.present me
we were happy
remember that feeling?
you will be able to experience that again.
be strong, like we always did.(d)on't g(i)v(e) up.
Unpleasant thoughts of a confused teenager.
Poesiajust a bunch of depressive thoughts.