Chapter 1

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||Chapter 1||

Narrator's POV

Every Friday Paige and Chloe leave dance class together at 19:30. On the way they always stop by Starbucks to celebrate Friday. Paige always gets a caramel frappuchino and Chloe always gets a green tea lemonade. Then they walk home and part ways at Chloe's house because she lives closer to the dance studio than Paige. That's what they did this Friday too. Everything was normal.

Chloe's POV

I said goodbye to Paige and stepped inside my house. I said a quick hello to my mom and my little sister and went to my room to work on some homework. I always aim to finish all my homework before the weekend, but somehow I always leave some for Sunday. After I finished my short essay for english my stomach was grumbling, so I went to the kitchen to grap some snack. I was just eating my snack(a strawberry pop-tart and some water) when my mom entered the kitchen. She was on the phone with someone.
"Melissa, calm down. Maybe Abby just made her stay late to work on something. Call her. You did? Well, maybe she just went over to one of the other girl's houses. Call the moms and call me if you find out where she is. Ok bye", my mom hung up.
"Mom, what's going on?" I asked my mom.
"Melissa called", my mom didn't look directly into my eyes.
"Why?" I didn't give up.
"Maddie didn't come home from dance class today", my mom said.

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