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We walked in silence.  I keep my distance from him.  I don't want to make my already heartbroken self, hurt even more by misunderstanding his attitude.

So did he.

Just walk with me slowly.  Maybe he's balancing my slow pace.

I glanced over at him.  He put his hands in his pants pockets.  His eyes stare straight with focus.

I sighed.  It's my fault, why did I cry and showing my vulnarable side in front of him?  Im the one who making this awkward.

i shouldnt be like this, i should stop being paranoid and make our situation so bad. I take a breath, c'mon you can do it war..

"Hey."  I slowly called him.

He turned his head, "Hmm?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be like that. I actually .. right now.. im so shy... crying beside you."  Wow, it really makes me nervous to say that.  My eyes slowly peeked at his facial expression.  Wondering what reaction he will give me.

But he seemed to be smiling.  His hand grabbed my head then ruffled my hair making me complain, " why mess it up? You know its expensive to tidy up earlier with the ladies there!"  I grumbled.  He was still smiling.

"Better?"  The first words he said after letting me cooling down. I don't know what expression he wants to convey?  Is it the same as what I thought?  Is he worried about me?

But I nodded.  "So much better."  Then smiled at him.

He poked my cheek which surprised me.
"Hey!"  My protest.

He chuckled, oh my God what does this mean?

"You know?"  He said, "I'm grateful that you're eyes didnt get puffier after you crying like a baby..." he demonstrated when I was crying in a dramatic way, waa.. how dare he mock me.

Hmmm.  I snorted and folded my arms.

"Oh, so Mister Rich dared to mock me now huh?!"  I glared at him but he still laughed at me.

"Awww, ish! Here, let me teach you a lesson!"  I said annoyed then my hand followed his instincts.  I tickled anan's stomach.  Make the man shake left and right.  Plus his funny voice makes me very happy to see him.

"Oy oy... Stop !!"  He said giving up while avoiding my hand.

Hahaha... Handsome and serious looking boys also have this kind of weakness.

"Okay okay I put my hands up. Please stop!"  He gave up and really begged.  I pointed my index finger again threatening him he begged for mercy and begged me to stop.

Haha.. so much fun.  Ah, how can I mess with fran like this.  If I tried maybe he would nagging me all day.  I'm so sullen remembering it.

I smiled proudly at this handiwork.  Anan pouted for a moment and then looked at me warmly until his cheeks widened because of his smile, slowly his hand reached for me, he stroked my head slowly.  Then wipe my sweat on my forehead and cheeks.  "You sure look better now, war!"  With a smile he looked into my eyes.  I'm really stunned.  God, I might melt right now.  Please, don't let me take this too far.  His gaze was really warm and reassuring, as if he really wanted to make sure I was okay, but who am I?  Only a stranger.

"Let's go!"  Anan didn't wait for my reply, he already grabbed my hand and pulled it with him.

My hand clinging to his, actually made me anxious.  This isn't the first time a man holds my hand, I know.. but this is different.  I worry if I overthink it, especially since I've just had my heart broken.  I don't want.. I.. to be hurt again by hope.

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