19 ( Surprise )

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The day ends and Dahyun's words still linger in my head. It's made me uncomfortable even though she's only trying to help me. I could tell that she was worried about me, but her words struck somewhere she didn't intend to.

As expected, Y/N calls me from outside the classroom.

"Jihyo! Are you free already? Didn't you want to hang out?"

"I'll be ready in a bit. Just wait, please"I reply while sneaking to Dahyun's table.

"Dahyun, do you really think that... do you believe in what you asked a while ago?" I whisper.

"I'm not sure. I didn't mean it in that way. I just was worried about you"

"Did you ask because you had a suspicion? Surely, you had your reasoning"

"I didn't mean it in that way, okay? He seems genuine, but I don't want you to get hurt if he ever lies"

I look back outside to see him just patiently waiting. I nod in reply to Dahyun and walk out of the classroom.

"Do you have any homework today? I don't want to make you cram everything later tonight again" he asks as he tries to hold my hand.

I flinch and pull my hand away from his. He's shocked by the sudden rejection.

"Is there something bothering you? We can talk about it if you want. We can also just cancel this if you want some time alone"

There's nothing wrong. I was just in deep thought"

"Okay, I trust that you're fine. Do you want to go out already?"

"Sure, but can we just go to your place? I'm kind of uncomfortable going anywhere else" 

He nods in reply and starts walking. He didn't try to hold my hand this time. I follow behind him with my head down. 

"How badly do you want to be the president?" I ask while we're walking in his street.

"Me? I don't really care. I don't care if you win, or if I do. The others still want me to win, but I trust that you would be a great leader" he replies. He still is joyful which could mean that he's not lying. He didn't hesitate to reply, so maybe I should stop overthinking. I don't suspect him of anything, but I'm overthinking the possibilities.

We enter his house and he runs to his room immediately. I just sit down while waiting for him to return. He never ran upstairs in all the times I've visited here.

Minutes later, he comes back downstairs in different clothes.

"Did you change? You didn't have to change that quickly, you looked fine" 

"I did, but I also had to take a call from a classmate"

"What was it about?" I feel like I'm overstepping, but I'm just really curious.

"It was about the elections. We... I was planning something that might surprise them. They might take it negatively, but I'm really confident in this decision"

"Can you tell me what it is, or is going to sabotage you if I do?"

"Well, I would tell you, but it might affect you negatively as well. I don't mean in terms of your chances to win, but... never mind actually"

"No, it's fine... I can take it" I am unconsciously cornering him now. I didn't want to say it like that. I sound like I'm forcing the answer out of him.

He just stares at me silently. He really wants to hide it, but I don't want to sound rude when asking about it.

"I don't know if it's sure yet though, it might just be some false news if I tell you. I haven't told anyone about this, so I'm not sure if I'll actually continue with the plan"

"It's fine then. If you don't want to tell me, then we can just continue with our... date"

"Sure, I'll just get us some snacks then we can do whatever" he says before he walks to the kitchen.

Maybe his secret is something that wouldn't bother me. I'm overthinking again, I'm sure it's nothing. I just need to relax and fulfill my promise. I need to ask him to make us official.

"I'm back with some cheese bread. Sorry, I don't have anything else"

"It's fine, this is more than enough"

We awkwardly eat the snacks while the TV is playing.

"Is there something going through your mind by the way? You were startled a while ago" he asks

"Yeah, honestly. Something has been going through my mind, but I believe that it's nothing serious. I just had an anxiety attack"

"Well, I'm glad you're doing better now"

This is the most awkward date we've been on. Usually, when one of us starts talking, we would be able to keep going.

"Do you want some more bread? I can get more"

"No thanks, I'm fine already" I can't tell him. I'm waiting for an opening, but I can't find one that isn't awkward

"Y/N, there's something I've wanted to ask you"


"We like each other right?" 

"Yeah, I hope so at least"

"We like each other, but we're not official yet. I just wanted to ask if you're willing to do that"

"You want to be my girlfriend? Is that what you're talking about?"

"Y--Yeah. Are you ready for something like that?"

"Totally, I was planning to ask you as well, but I couldn't bring the courage to do so. It's actually a pleasant surprise"

He still talks in such a charming voice. I don't know why his voice is relaxing to listen to. Even the others agree that he talks in a way that warms everyone.

"I'm really grateful... you feel the same way"

"I should be thanking you. You had the courage to ask me first"

I asked him and it worked out the way I wanted it to. Is this it? Is this euphoria? I wish it was, but something's odd. Is it the doubt that I have? I don't mind him having secrets, but this one is making my skin crawl with worry. I trust him, right? Right?

"Jihyo, do you want to tell the others, or not?" he asks which snaps me back to reality. He seems confident to tell everyone about this, so that should mean that he's serious. If he wanted to use me then he wouldn't drag others into this, so that they wouldn't be affected.

I trust you, Y/N. I trust you no matter how suspicious you are. No matter how many secrets you keep, I know you're genuine about your feelings.

"Isn't that right?" I suddenly slip my words under my breath.

"What? What's right?" he asks. He heard me despite my murmuring. He was staring at me after all.

"Nothing, I was just overthinking again... I love you"

"I love you too"

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