35: What the F.....

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A week Later

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! I fucking miss himmmmmm!!!!!"

I scream out loud
It has been a weekkkkkkkkkk!!!
I miss himmmm
I mean... we text of course..
but he's the type to be very cold during texts
Plus we kinda fought on the day he left...

"What the fuck... gross" Kyungsoo says

"What a lover boy" Kai says

I'm currently at Kai's place.
Just chilling with them since it is sooooo bored without My Baekhyunee and work.
Our project with SOLE is done and we like.. almost catches up with school work too so yeah...
Boring life

"The fuck how will you two understand duhhh" I say "just how the heck you two become lovers"

"My boboo Kyungie is so cute that I fell I love" Kai says

"Ewhhhhh!!! Grosssss" I shout

"What the fuck.. that's gross" Kyungsoo says

"Ehhhh... I meant it.. we always were fighting and arguing but, we somehow... end up like that... May be fate?" Kai says

"He seduced me" Kyungsoo says

"I must be so sexy" Kai says back

Ugh.... I miss my Baekhyunee

"Sooooo!!! How did you two become lovers?" Kai says

"Yeah. I'm curious" Kyungsoo agrees

"Well.. we are destined to be together I bet... we met a night  before our first evaluation at SOLE. Remember when I was scolded by Kyungsoo because I didn't check SOLE's profile carefully?

I didn't know it was him. We met at very fancy lounge bar that night.. it was my first night that I decided to get some hook up.. and yeah.. hehhehhhhh
It was himmmmmmm!!!"

"Wow... so you two started going out right after that?" Kai asks

"Duh.. no huh.. he ... he told me it was just a one night stand. But... heheh.. I already fell for him so... I just stuck to him. Well, not in a burdening way.
We just happened to.. yeah.. it just happened"

"Isn't he old? Like 32 years old right?" Kyungsoo asks

"Ya! He looks much cuter than those of our ages duhhhhhh!!! He's so cuteeeeeeee!!!!"

"Ewh... cringe" they both say together

"There's a girl that likes you madly you know. She would really go crazy if she finds out if you swings that way" Kai says

"Ah... that girl" Kyungsoo says

"She's.. haaa... really a pain in the ass. I mean.. I already rejected her but she keeps coming over to my house and stuffs ... I don't like that..."

"Well, she still asks to us about you whenever we meet" Kai says

"You should let her know that you are already in a relationship. Better for her, you and Director Byun. Less misunderstanding" Kyungsoo says

"Right... *sigh* I will do when I meet her at university"

"So.. when will Director Byun come back?" Kai asks

"Why you ask?" I glare at him

"Ya! I'm not interested in him duhhhh!! I have my boboo Kyungie" Kai says

"I don't know" I say and sigh "actually we kinda ... quarrelled that day he left"

"He's someone more mature than us. I'm sure he's more in deep consideration for you than you are doing for him.

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