8: Drunk And?

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After a week

I check myself in mirror and man...
The hickey is already fainted after a week.

Since that day.... Since that morning that I woke up in his bed... I haven't seen him.
He called me that afternoon as if he's worried about me.

And a week has passed since then.
Me, Kai and Kyungsoo were busy with classes and assignment deadlines during this week.

And today, we will have to go back and work at SOLE.
One of the department leaders contacted me to give a presentation today so we are already prepared for that.

I hope he doesn't come and see us.
In other way round,
I hope I can see him.

Fuck it, park chanyeol
Get over it

"Aish! I'm late" i mumble and head out to company


As soon as we arrive at the company, me, Kai and kyungsoo were busy for monthly evaluation presentation.
And the presentation finished well and all team leaders are satisfied with our progress.

Director nim was late.
He only arrived around 2/3 of the presentation.

"So... it has been nearly 3 weeks and we still haven't welcome these kids yet to company properly, aren't we?" Head of IT department says

"Yes we haven't. Director nim, shall we do welcoming party for them tonight?" Marketing team leader says

"Sure. Please treat them at nice restaurant and hope you all have a perfect night" Director nim says

He looks extra drained today.
Is he sick?
His dark cycles are all the way down to cheeks.
And he looks super... super tired.

"Please join us!" All the team leaders say to Director Byun

"Ah... me?..."

"Yes, Director nim. It has been awhile you stopped joining company's parties" one of them says

"Well.... Hmm.. let my secretary Wu knows about the place and I will try to make it" he says and leaves the meeting hall

He didn't even make any eye contact with me .... Or may be I was avoiding ...

Yes Park chanyeol.... You been doing well the whole past week.
Let's just forget this hopeless romance

——————-Baekhyun's POV———————-

It has been a very busy week.
I gotta help one of the construction project since my oldest cousin has been hospitalised.

I still couldn't get a hold of Inseo.
He still not contacting me yet.

"Director nim" Mr. Wu says as we get back to my office from that kid's team presentation

"What's it?"

"You should rest for today. You have not been sleeping properly for a week now. You really should rest today since your schedules are over for today."

"I'm fine. I will read some reports"

"Director nim..."

"Perhaps.... Do you still have men looking on Inseo?"

"He's back from his oversea trip sir. But he's staying at xxxxx Hotel suite room. With that person he went on a trip"

"..... okay...you can leave now"

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