63: New Start

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"Wait wait..... Director Byun... I will carry the boxes"

"Ya... Jinho ya..."


"What did i tell you?"

"May I know what...."

"Stop calling me Director Byun.. I'm no longer Director.. *sigh* call me hyung and drop those formals too. Let's live like brothers. I have no family members but you and same goes to you too, right?" I say

"Ah.... Nae... I mean... aww... Hyung.."

"Aigooo... didn't know you were this cute.." I tease him "it will be a bit quiet and lonely living with me but.. don't worry. Oh Sehun will come live with us from time to time so.."

"No hyung... I prefer quietness"

"Hahahaha.. indeed"

It's been only 3 days that we have arrived in Japan so.... Our new house is very messy..
a lot of furniture were delivered but we haven't set anything up.
We haven't unpack or moved our bags.
We randomly slept on floor these 3 nights.. haha.. it was fun.

This time... I just bought a small scale house.

Since I'm too tired of urbanism

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Since I'm too tired of urbanism... I just  choose a very Japanese vibe house...

"Dir.... I mean.. hyung?"


"What if.... What if Chairwoman found us? What if she tries to.... Take us back?"

"She won't... because I left everything she gave me. All her properties and my status and identity... everything... she will probably find us.. who knows..
but what important most is our desires .. isn't it?"

"Yes... you are right.."

"Haaaa.... Kyoto is so niceee...let's travel around tomorrow."

"Nae Hyung... but why Kyoto? Isn't Tokyo and Osaka are more business-wise?"

"Hmm... I don't know.. it's just.. I love the vibe here. It's not that urbanism. A lot of Japanese traditional sites are here so.. yeah.."



"I wish you take a full rest before we start working"

"Aigooo.... You too Jinho ya.. let's have a full rest for our upcoming hard works"


"Oh! Let's go buy lunch and find plant shop. Let's plant some flowers in our garden"

"Nae Hyung"

A fresh and new start.
It surely feels refreshing.

I don't know it is because I left my old and repeated lifestyle..
everything here feels nice.

Why Japan? Because I'm going to start new business related to IT and Japan is very advanced in technology.
Moreover... I just love everything here.. food, views, or even air... haha... everything is just satisfying.

I will work hard... but not a hard work like I used to.
I'm planning to take things slowly and steady since I'm starting from zero.

I'm no longer SOLE's Director Byun Baekhyun.
No one knows me here..... no one knows my ability.. it will be tiring. But I'm sure I won't regret this.

What's is tiring is......
Even tho I am trying not to think about this..

Did his wedding ...... go well?
I'm sure he's ... on his honeymoon now.... With his woman.

I wanted this.... For him.... Right?

But you know what.... I'm so... selfish.
I'm so selfish...
I wish.... I just wish......

"Hyung!" Jinho is standing in front of flower shop


"I need to learn Japanese more.... I don't quite understand what this grandma saying...." Jinho says

"No worries Jinho ya.." I say to him and start talking to flower shop owner Grandmom in Japanese

"We are looking for some plants and flowers to have in our garden... ah.. the garden is quite small tho.. May I know which flowers or plants would be best?"

"Sakurasou" she says and go back into the shop and brings out a flower pot with a beautiful purplish pot of flowers.

"They are pretty" I say

"They have beautiful meaning too" grandmom says

"May I know what these flowers represent?"

"These Sakurasou or Japanese primrose... they are resemble to sakura and these purplish flowers represents ... Long-lasting Love"

 Long-lasting Love"

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"........... i see..."

The first thing that comes in my mind..... is.....
no no.... Stop it Byun Baekhyun.

"I will take 5 pots of these flowers and any other recommended plants Grandmom?"

"Come into the shop" she says

"Did you buy that purple flowers hyung?" Jinho asks

"Yes. I did 5 of them"

"They are pretty... and what is that grandmom saying about the flowers?"

"That they have a nice meaning"

"What's that Hyung?"

"Secret🤫 learn Japanese hard my dongsaeng"
<a:n: Dongsaeng - lil' brother>

"Haha.. Nae Hyung..."

While we were checking in the shop......

"Hyung... Oh Sehun just texted me" jinho says

"Eh... he coming already?"

"Nae... seems like he will be with flight this Saturday"

"Hmm... isn't his flight tomorrow?"

"He said things happened so it changed"

"I see.. well.. let's enjoy our quieter days first.. hehe"


Hello all!!!
How many weeks has it been?
I kinda lost about how to continue this story and how to end this.... So I was on a long break.
Anyway... here's an update ..
i am sure all of you might forget what happened in a few chaps already to you might want to quickly skim previous 2 chapters🙇🏼‍♀️
Anyway! Thank you for reading and thank you for reminding me to update too!
Thank you guys!!!

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