A Dilemma of the Heart

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Summary: You've developed feelings for a member of your NYPD team but you're too chicken to confess and absolutely torn up on how to deal with it...

Warnings: None! Just a bit of light angst turned fluff!

A/N: So I've made a whole book for Kevin Ryan instead of adding him to my Multi-Fandom One-Shots because I forsee MUCH Ryan content. He's just too cute to resist. Anyways, here's my new One-Shot book. I take requests, and I'll also write for his actor Seamus Dever!

Original A/N: So I saw a Pinterest Post of romance prompts and one was "You have something in your hair ummmm...do you want me to get it out?" and the other "First second I saw you I couldn't get over how beautiful you were..." and I immediately thought of Ryan. He's SO CUTE! And not just in a physical sense but like...he's such a freaking adorable puppy and everytime he comes on screen in Castle I want to DIE! Ever since finishing the Mentalist we've been going through Castle. It's funny because most girls love Castle's character, but to me, Nathan Fillion is like...my dad. I've always seen him in A Series of Unfortunate Events as my father because my best friends and I pretend Jacques Snicket and Olivia Calliban are our parents so him in Castle feels the same. Also I'm LITERALLY just like his daughter Alexis, personality wise. So...yeah!

Words: 3925


A whole year has blown by since you joined Detective Kate Beckett's Homicide squad at the NYPD. The whole gang immediately embraced your presence. It was during that first year that Richard Castle, the author himself weaseled his way into your daily routine. You were skeptical at first, despite being a fan of his writing. However, Castle has proved to be an asset, and you have to admit, he's hilarious. Plus, he's good for Beckett. She and Lanie are your best friends. You know when one of them has the hots for somebody, and Beckett is 100% head over heels for Castle, but she'd die before she admitted it to anyone. Even you.

As much as you want to pester her about it until she comes clean, you refrain out of self interest.

It's not just Beckett who's got a dilemma of the heart...


You, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) have fallen in love with a member of your team.

It was never your intention, nor did you want to accept it, at first.

But then...then you started to notice things. How he says dorky stuff that makes you smile; how when he smiles, his eyebrows contort into the funniest positions; how he's loyal to a fault, and very defensive when protecting those he cares about. You saw him do kind things. Subtle acts of kindness, like leaving a coffee on Esposito's desk each morning, or pushing in chairs that blocked the flow of traffic throughout the offices. Wherever you were, in the Department or out in the field, he always kept a good sense of humor, a sweet spirit, and a golden hearted courage that haunts you. He lingers in your mind throughout the day, plaques your dreams, and sometimes keeps you up at night. The two of you could spend a whole day just talking. He's funny. So damn funny and he doesn't even realize it half the time! His laugh makes your arteries burst. His smile makes you dizzy. You could drown in those sparkling blue eyes. Whenever they fall on you, you greedily drink the attention. It's those moments when it's just you and him, that you feel most alive.

Him being Ryan.

Kevin Ryan, a fellow Detective.

Your team mate.

Your coworker.

Your friend.

Lately though, he's become far more...and you're scared.

Detective Kevin Ryan + Seamus Dever One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now