We're Going to Be Ok

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Summary:  When returning to the first crime scene of a now closed case with your boyfriend to clean up a bit, things take a turn for the worse...

Warnings: Mild language, blood, guns, a gunshot wound, violence, but there's fluff at the end I promise!

A/N: In Season 2 I think, there was an episode where Castle and Ryan go to a safe house to pick up an informant but he turns out to be the real killer and Ryan gets knocked out but I thought what if you were in his place, and Ryan had to deal with the killer and saving you? I just feel like Ryan's such a softie that I wanted to imagine him in a high stress traumatic event and how he steps up or breaks from it. (Also the song Ryan sings later in the One-Shot is from Outlander, which I've never seen, but I love the song, and since Ryan and Seamus are Irish, which is close to the Scottish roots of the song, I thought he'd probably like it too.)

Words: 3703


Another case closed, which meant picking up the loose ends and cleaning up after ourselves. This particular case had been rough; a serial killer. The entire extent of the case, from the first murder to the final arrest and confession, both you and Ryan have been walking a tightrope; the fine line between being fine. Everyone including Castle was on edge, but the tension is dissipating. The case is closed. You've caught your killer, and he's on his way to prison, and now all that's left is to clean up. Beckett sent you and Ryan to go take down the tape and markers from the original crime scene. The landlord's been breathing down the Chief's neck, waiting to straighten the place up and put it back on the market. When you and Ryan rolled up to the front desk asking to be let in and take down all the police supplies, the landlord huffed out an embittered, "Thank God," and practically tossed Ryan the keys. "Get that shit out so I can start renting again," He said.

And with that you left the main office and started up the steps to the second level, third door to the right.

The first victim – Stephanie O'Hara's apartment.

"Crazy what happened here," Ryan muses as he fiddles with the keys.

"You got that right," You hum in agreement, lightly nodding your head and scanning the dim hallway. All is well – or appears to be. The inhabitants of the complex are quiet. The hall is empty, relatively clean, and the only dominant sound is the jingling of keys and the metallic click of the lock. You give the hallway one last sweep, forcing your rapid heart rate to slow. Something's off. Nothing's off, you scold. You're just getting nervous, revisiting a crime scene. A sad, old crime scene. "I can't even imagine finding your sister dead. Half naked, initials carved into her stomach, and strung up from the ceiling..."

Ryan's movements still.

"...I'll never understand how someone could do that to another person. To a young girl, innocent and uninvolved."

"Me neither," Your boyfriend agrees softly. Swallowing a wave of despair, you lift your eyes from the disgusting brown carpeted floor and rest them in Ryan's crystal blue irises. He musters a reassuring smile and frees a hand from the door, setting it instead on your back and rubbing up and down. A shiver runs down your spine, caused by a rush of warmth on your skin. "But we got him. He's gonna rot in jail and we can forget about him, ok?"

We can forget about him...

You wince.

Somehow you know it's a lie.

But you have no proof. It's just a feeling.

"Ok," You repeat. "Thanks."

"Just lookin' after my girl."

Detective Kevin Ryan + Seamus Dever One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now