Big request

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My fingers are slowly scrolling through the tablet to check out what furniture or designs I can put into my room, but also different toys for my pleasure. I glance at how many points I have. Something I've avoided since Zy and I had sex. I know he's got the most points in the prison. After all, he's the one who created it. I know I'd get more points if I were interacting with him, but I also know theres chances of negative points. I take a deep breath as I let the information sink in and it says "70 023 points". "The fuck?" I mumbled and I heard whining behind me. "Red?" Poppy's voice says behind me where she's laying on my bed. Her blue messy hair has fallen over her eyes as she turned towards me. "What's is it?" She said as she whined her hair off her face and sat up. "Nothing. It's just, I got from 0 points to 70 thousand" I mumbled. "What now?" She said as she yawned and rested her chin on my shoulder to see what I was looking at. "70 fucking thousand?!" She suddenly said loudly next to my ear. She grabbed my tablet to clarify what she had seen and gasped. "That's fucking awesome" she said. I grabbed the tablet back and said. "Poppy". She faced me and I said "I need to tell you something" I started. She grabbed my hand and said "what is it?". "I'm gonna ask Zy if he can train me. If he says yes I might be gone for a while, but. I won't be gone forever" I said. "You what now?" She asked. She looked confused, and I understood that. "I'm sorry, poppy" I admitted. She stuttered and said "I could train you". I sighed and looked down. "Poppy... I want him to train me. I won't be gone for long anyway. You're gonna be fine" I said. She sighed and said "alright, red. If you have the chance, contact me whenever you can".

The door opened sharply and Zy's body is making its way inside of my room. "I got your message" he said. I gasp and turn around to face him. His finger pushes his glasses back in place before reaching it out towards me. "You ready?" He asked. I grabbed it and he led me out of the door into the corridor and he was almost skipping. He's got so much energy all the time and I envy it. We stepped into an elevator and it went downwards. "Where are we doing?" I asked. "The dungeons of course" he said and started humming. "Dungeons" I repeated. "You've never been there before, have you? It's utter chaos in my opinion, but it's also beautiful. I know someone that will teach you well. Unfortunately I cannot be the one teaching you all the time. I've got duty's of my own, but. She's really good at what she's doing" he said. "Wait, you won't be there?" I asked. "I will visit and see your progress, that's all I have time for. More people are applying and I gotta make sure there's enough spots" he said. "I understand" I mumbled. His fingers lifted up my chin so I faced him and he said "don't you worry, I'll make sure to have time for you. After a month I'll be checking your results and see if you're worthy of being my slave. Then it's up to you to accept that offer. If you're not worthy you can either keep on training or go back to the ways before" he said. "I don't wanna go back. Not now" I said. I've made this decision by myself, and the training will be for one month, then I'll be able to contact poppy and the others. Just one month. A ding is heard from the elevator and we step outside to a new atmosphere. "Welcome to the dungeons" he said and opened his arms to make it dramatic. "Woah" I whisper as my eyes travel from side to side. Screams from pain and agony is echoing through all the stone brick walls and the dark prison bars has marks on them. As he leads me through the hall, girls and boys are moaning next to my ears. I glance to the side and see a blonde girl with red lipstick and thick eyeliner lick a prison bar as she kneels down and reaches her hand out between the bars. My eyes moved to the other side and I see another woman crawling on the floor, naked. She's dirty and her hair is unwashed. I finally glance at zy and he seems unbothered. He finally leads me to a door at the end of the corridor and I ask him what's inside but he only grinned at me as a response. He opened the door and led me inside and the texture of the floor changed. The floor is black and looks like it's made of soft plastic and the walls are the same as the floor. There's one more door on the other side of the room and I'm curious for what's inside. It's got no windows or glass walls so nobody is watching. We're alone. I take a deep breath as Zy leads me into the middle of the room and sits me down on my knees. "She'll be here any minute now. I'll come back later" he said and let go of my arm. "Wait" I said. He faced me. "Thank you" I said. He smiled and turned around again to walk to the door. I sat in silence in the dark and suddenly after a while, bright white lights came from the ceiling, lighting up the whole room and I noticed cameras in the ceiling facing different directions. The door opened and a tall woman steps inside. She's got curly dark brown hair, almost black, and freckles. She's got black lipstick on with a corset but her private parts weren't covered. In her hands covered by latex gloves, she's holding a whip with fringes, slowly clapping it into her other hand and a smirk grows on her face. "What have we got here?" She says and sticks her tongue out. She inspects me with her feet, lifts up my chin and then puts it back on the floor. "Hmph" she said and bend down to my level. "Say yes" she said. "Yes" I responded. "Not asking why, check marks on that one" she commented and stood up straight again. "Stay there, I'll let the others in" she said. "The others?" I asked. She didn't answer, only walked away to the door and opened it. Naked people walked inside, some skinny, some medium and one overweight woman. They all have handcuffs on but they don't look sad. They sit beside me in silence and the woman with the whip walks slowly in front of us. "We've got a celebrity among us. He's name is Red. He's got lucky enough to fuck Zy" she said. Everyone glanced at me and I felt shy. "Now he's come to my classes to be his slave" she said and suddenly burst laughing. The others started giggling and laughing as well and I felt humiliated. Bullied. Yet something started happening inside of my pants. "Now, take off your clothes like everyone else has" she said aggressively yet a charm to her voice. I slowly take off my shirt and I stand up to take off my pants and the woman snatches the clothes from my grip. "By the way, call me mistress if you wanna tell me something" she said. "Okay, mistress" I said and tilted down my head. I heard something flicker and noticed that mistress had started setting my clothes on fire. She danced around in the room and giggled before throwing it at the floor, then stepping on it until the fire stopped. "No more clothes for you. This is my building now, my rules". I sat back down and she said "come on now, let's have fun" she said and opened the doors yet again. She started bringing different machines and boxes and the more stuff I saw, the more anxious I got. She got things like knifes to needles and I almost felt scared. She started tying people up to some machines and I was the last one in line. When she finally got to me, she led me to a black chair that I could lay down in with a machine attached to end. A machine with a dildo on it. "Lay still. This might hurt".

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