~Part 3~

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𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 ✔️

AN: just to let you all know you live with your auntie.

- Maddys house -

"So y/n how are you" maddy says with a smirk

"im g-good?" i say really confused

"yea i expected that" maddy says while she looks over a rue and they give each other a smirk

"what do you mean" i say with a little giggle

"rue told me about your little boyfriend" maddy says innocently

you give them both a look "ew i would rather kill my self than be in a relationship with ashtray"

"who says we were talking about ash" rue says while smoking weed

"omggg so you do like him ahhh" maddy squeals while jumping around excitedly

"no he's a fucking dickhead and he's the most meanest person you could ever meet and even though he's fit i would rather die than even touch him" you say while thinking of him and doing a gag face. 

"she defo likes him" marry whispers to rue making rue nod in agreement

rue smiles at you and passes you and maddy a joint.

- The next morning -

You all wake up to maddys phone ringing at 1:00 in the afternoon

"maddy who tf is ringing you" i say annoyed

"i don't fucking know" maddy  doesn't know how to turn it off so she throws her phone at the wall.

5 mins later we hear knocking at her door.

"omg i swear to god i'm going to murder someone!" i walk out of maddys room to go open the door. It was nate.

"nate wtf do you want" i say having the urge to kill him.

"where's maddy, WHERE TF IS MADDY!" he screams in my face

"OMG WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING U TWAT!" i scream back in his face

He just barges past me to maddys room.

"maddy istg!" he screams waking up half the world

"wtf do you want nate" maddys says waking up and walking to him.

"why tf was you fucking that guy in the pool at that party!"

"because ur a fat cunt that has no respect for me!"maddy says 

me and rue are jsut standing there, we know how aggressive nate can be so we just stand there to make sure he doesn't do anything to maddy

"istg maddy your making me go insane"

I step forward about to move him back when rue grabs my arm to stop me.

Maddy and nate are screaming and arguing with each other and me and rue are starting to get worried and annoyed somehow the conversation changed to her apparently cheating on him with mckay.

I grab their hands and run for our fucking lives

"shit where tf do we go!" i say while running

"let's go catch up with ur boyfriend!" rue shouts while her and maddy laugh.

Nate is still chasing us when we arrive at fezcos rue barges through and tell fezco really quick. Me and maddy are out of breath so he's close. He's about to grab us when fezco pulls us into his house. We all rush into fezcos, me and maddy flop onto the couch out of breath.

Ash comes out of his room and is confused, we explain everything but rue is sleeping so i put a blanket over her since she feels cold. i kiss her forehead (in a best friend way)and leave her to sleep.

I walk over to ash but he jsut walks away from me. Maddy walks over to me

"do you have any idea what nate was talking about." i ask

"no i have no clue and now i'm really pissed of because i don't know who told him and i don't where they got it from bcs i haven't cheated on nate!" maddy says in a angry voice

Rue finally woke up after a couple hours you are all watching movies, the time is 10:00 so you maddy and rue all decide to stay at your house. (not really your house it's your aunties but she's always working so you get to live with her)

You 3 all arrive at your aunties house:

"holy shit, nice house y/n" rue says amazed

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"holy shit, nice house y/n" rue says amazed

"it's so pretty!" maddy squeals with excitement.

You all go upstairs to your room.

"it's so cute in here!" maddy flops onto ur bed

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"it's so cute in here!" maddy flops onto ur bed

rue jsut looks around.

"ahahaha, if you guys want some clothes or pjs my wardrobe is over there" you direct them to ur wardrobe.

maddy and rue walk in

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maddy and rue walk in.

"Y/n your auntie has money, a lot of it wtfff" rue says proudly.

You and maddy laugh and you all get dressed into pjs, after that you go get snacks and then watch sad movies that you all end up crying to.

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