~Part 35~

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The banging on the door got louder, it was making my ears bleed. I couldn't move. I tried to. I tried to run. But miserably failed.
"Y/N COME ONE" ashtray screamed in my face pulling me out of my trance. I nodded and we both ran into the washing room, he started to get guns out of the dryer, i reached down to grab one but he slapped my hand away.
"no. no guns for you." ashtray said bluntly, i pulled a weird face and rolled my eyes "stop rolling ur eyes and deal with it. now come on" he grabbed about 5 guns and interlocked our hands we went into the bathroom, he signalled for me to lock the door so i did and we both climbed into the bath.
"ash i'm fucking scared" i admitted to  him and he looked at me with sorrow eyes
"i know and i'm sorry, wait go go out my bedroom window-" he started to plan
"what and leave you, fez and faye here  fuck no" you cut him of and grab a small gun. You both sat their in silence apart from the fact fez was screaming at youse to get out.


The front door was flung open, and men with guns was infiltrating the house. Ashtray immediately shit at the door ducking you in the process.

"there kids! DONT SHOOT! THERE ARE KIDS IN THERE!" fez shouted repeatedly.

Silence covered the house. Until loads of shots were blowing up the bathroom, ash covered you protecting you but still shooting back. Soon after a lot of bullets was flung everywhere the bathroom door was knocked down. Ashtray pulled you out of the bath and laid you on the ground, doing the same as you. The police people edged closer to the bathroom but the sweet boy next to you grabbed the gun next to you shooting at 1-2 police officers killing then in the process, you gained a little bit of hope that was until a red dot was trailing up your partner in crimes body stopping at his forehead.

A loud noise travelled through the house.

i wasn't destined to live long anyways.

"y/n, no no no wtf is wrong with you" ashtray shouts putting you on his lap not giving a care that he could get shot. Tears fall from the gorgeous boys face.

"dont cry mi amor" you mange to speak without hurting the bullet to much that is in the middle of ur chest.

"why would you do that, why you stupid, stupid person" he spoke getting frustrated

"oi i'm dying be nice" you mange to say and laugh, making the boy above you laugh too

"dont do that" he cries

"listen ash" you start wiping the tears that fall from his mesmerising face "i fucking love you so much, and im surprised your surprised that i took the bullet for you.  No one's ever loved me as much as you have done  and i couldn't wish to be loved much more." you say tears falling from your emerald green eyes.

"y/n you can't fucking die, if you go i go okay?!" ash cries out looking up at fez seeing him at the door with tears also flowing down his face

"if i go you don't ever go, because maddy rue and lexi need to know that i've loved them." you smile weekly at fez. You hold out your hand to ash and give him back the ring he gave you "for when you meet another lucky fucker, and your gonna have to otherwise that means ur to clingy to me" you speak making ash smile. You then hold out your hand to fez and give him a necklace that used to wrap around your neck, inside was a picture of you, fez, lexi and ash. "make sure lexi sees that" and fez nods at you.
"you boys have brought me so much happiness, and i just need you both to know that i want you to put 8g of weed in my casket" you say causing them both to laugh. You wipe the tears of the boys face and slowly start to let your eyes close hearing muffled shouting from both of the boys they was of course shouting at the dirty police officer that did this to you and the rest of the crew as they stood there not knowing what to do the dumb fuckers. You then felt the  feeling of the life being suck out of you.

And there she lay, pale lips and skin not as colourful at before when she was at her happiest. Dead on the bathroom floor.

   You guys probably hate me 😭. I had to make her die, it jsut felt right. Also i read back at the start of the story and i'm vv embarrassed 🥲.
But this is sadly the end of mine.
I've loved seeing all of your comments it always brightens up my days and i jsut want to say thank you all so much for everything. goodbye :))) 💗

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