Imperfect halves (Lavashipping)

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What's Kai's favorite food?
And his favorite song?
Favorite movie???
Cole suddenly realizes that he knows nothing about his boyfriend. Is that normal for a couple?


A day off, at last!

The ninja team could finally take a breather —a small one, anyway.

Ninjago was a beautiful place, and like every source of light, it cast shadows too. So many bad-hearted people wanted to mess up with it; from the scummiest criminals to the weirdest creatures from other realms.

As the heroes of Ninjago, Wu's disciples had sworn to protect their world from any threats, which didn't leave them with a lot of free time. So whenever the chance got presented, none of them wanted to miss it.

Their crazy lives didn't allow for much planning, unfortunately. They usually occupied their free days with the most regular activities; playing that video game they had been putting off, taking a long nap, working on a new vehicle just for the fun of it. Anything that kept their minds away from their ninja duty.

For Cole and Kai, today they had chosen to watch a movie together. A comedy one. With no kicks nor frenzy persecutions, just simple and funny everyday life situations.

As they neared the living room of the monastery, Jay's eccentric voice echoed back to them. They found the boy sprawled on the sofa, watching something on the TV, laughing and making comments at the contestants trapped inside the screen.

Kai approached from the back and lightly smacked his friend's head. "Hey, Sparky, you've been hogging the TV long enough today. It's our turn."

"Aw, but the show isn't over yet," Jay pouted.

"Don't care." Kai jumped to the seat and forced the boy to make way for him. When Kai reached for the remote, Jay snatched it first.

"Please, just let me watch this next round," he cried out, holding the small device close to his chest.

Kai groaned, then looked at Cole. "How long will it take to get the popcorn ready?"

"Uh... About five minutes or so?" His boyfriend responded.

Kai turned back to Jay. "You heard him. After that time, the TV is ours. Got it?"

Jay scrunched his nose in annoyance, but accepted the deal. Not like he had any other choices.

Cole made his way to the annexed kitchen to prepare the snacks for their improvised at-home movie date. He halted midway as a question crossed his mind.

"Hey, Kai," the boy called into the living room. "Do you want chocolate or cheese on the popcorn?"

"Anything you want, babe. You're going to eat most of them anyway," he replied with a playful look.

If Cole didn't love Kai as much as he did, he would have kicked his ass for that comment, but the boy couldn't help finding his boyfriend's teasing endearing in a strange way.

While Cole prepared the popcorn machine and chocolate bites, Kai and Jay kept on chatting. Their banter reached Cole's ears across the kitchen's archway.

"So what shit are you watching?" That was Kai, of course. Who else in their team would use such harsh language.

"'Perfect halves'," said the blue ninja. "It's one of those 'how much do you know your partner' sort of contest."

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