Daddy Cole (low-key/platonic Glacier)

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Set between SoG and Hunted, right after the ninja arrived at the Realm of the Oni and the Dragon.


"Wu!" Cole screeched, launching forward as the little infant jumped from the top of the shelf. The little boy landed in Cole's strong arms, his small blond-ish head barely avoiding what could have been a serious concussion. Cole sighed both in irritation and relief, he'd only left the room for about 2 minutes, yet somehow that had been enough time for his young sensei to do his thing. Cole sympathized with the First Spinjitzu Master, he didn't even want to start thinking the mischief the man had had to endure while rising this kid alongside an equally troublesome Garmadon.

Cole sat on the floor, the infant still in his arms, wiggling and kicking as he laughed. Apparently, free fall was entertaining for him.

"Ah... Seriously, can't you stay still for just one minute, please?" Cole very much begged. Little Wu just laughed again and clapped his hands.

It had been only three days, three days since they landed in this strange world called The First Realm. Only half of the bounty had survived, but at least it was enough for them to use it as some very precarious quarters. All the guys were working hard, inspecting the surroundings and trying to recover as many parts of the flying ship as they could, as well as trying to find more materials to fix it and find a way to get back home.

But someone had to watch over young Wu because the kid would often whine about being bored. Cole had offered himself as babysitter right away, he'd been spending lots of hours taking care of a baby version of their sensei, he also seemed to have a good connection with the kid, it felt like the most logical option for him to take on that role.

Now though, he was starting to regret it. Well... Not exactly, but Wu was definitely testing him in every possible way. Whenever Cole would turn around and lose sight of the boy for just one second, the kid was already far from him, hanging from a rope, playing over broken planks, getting hidden under piles of scrap metal... Good lord, being a parent was so hard!

Cole put the boy down on the creaking floor of what had once been the living room of the bounty, then straightened up. Wu was already bouncing and walking away from him, but Cole snatched his arm.

"Wu, please..."

"I wanna play outside!" The kid grinned.

"We've been playing the whole day. Aren't you tired? Come on, let's take a nap,"

"I wanna play!" He whined again, his little smile shifting into a pout.

Cole rubbed his face with a groan. Damn it, there would be no way to convince the boy to slow down just like that... but maybe he could be tricked into a more relaxed activity that wouldn't rob Cole's several years of his life as he tried to keep his master safe.

"Okay, we'll play, but I get to choose the game this time. How about that?"

Young Wu stared at him, eyes narrowing and Cole feared for a second that his plan wouldn't go as smooth as he desired, but in the end, the kid nodded with a curious smile.

"Give me a second," Cole said as he walked away with him, entering the ruined bedroom. He rummaged through the bottom drawers of the wardrobe, between the several pairs of socks.

"Wu..." Cole warned when he heard the wooden floor creaking as the boy took a step away from him. The young sensei snickered and got back to his side once again as Cole finished his search. A pair of socks in his hands; one black with orange stripes, the other white with blue stars and lightning bolts. He felt bad for taking some of Jay's, but there was no way he'd be using Kai's clothing for this, the boy would get so enraged. And Zane's were... too plain for what he had in mind.

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