Love Cooking for dummies (Glacier)

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First Christmassy fic!

I have a couple more in the making, and I'd like to also make a smutty one but I'm not sure yet.

Anyway, enjoy!


Zane's eyes opened all of a sudden. The white ninja was only mildly shocked upon recognizing his room all around him, bathed in the mysterious darkness of the night. Why was he seeing all of that though? He should be sleeping...

The nindroid closed his eyelids and took a deep breath. The characteristic silence of these hours giving him so much happiness and peace of mind, but... there was something wrong.

His eyes opened once again. He couldn't fall back asleep for some reason.

He decided to run a quick auto-scan over his mechanism. A few minutes later, he detected a malfunction on his internal clock. One of the pieces of his robotic "organs" must have moved during the last battle the ninja team underwent, which was now causing him a very annoying and odd case of insomnia.

Zane sighed. While he could try and inspect himself on the mirror, he preferred to let Jay perform a diagnostic from outside and "operate" him accordingly. Sadly, it was the middle of the night. Zane didn't have the heart to go to Jay's room and wake the boy up. He would have to wait until morning.

However, Zane despised wasting time like that, just lying on the bed, staring at a black ceiling while waiting for the sun to shine through the blinds. Uhm, at least now he knew a thing more about humans who suffered from such sleeping disorders.

Eventually, Zane rose up from his bed. He couldn't bear waiting for hours doing anything.

He would have used this extra time he'd just been given on training and perfecting his abilities, but he feared that might cause too much racket, and he didn't wish to wake up anyone else in the monastery. In the end, he settled for walking around the house. Maybe he could find things that needed to be fixed or cleaned some more —Lloyd definitely could use a few lessons about how to sweep the floor with more efficiency.

As Zane moved in silence around the halls, his robotic hearing picked up small noises. He followed them and soon took notice of the source of those sounds; the kitchen. A few steps away from the door he also saw a faint light coming from the inside. When Zane finally crossed the threshold, very silently, he found someone by the counter.

No, not just someone —it was his dear friend Cole.

The boy's back was at Zane, but the white ninja could still recognize Cole's muscular frame, and a bit of his face thanks to a soft light illuminated him from the front.

Unknowing of his presence, Cole kept doing his thing. Judging by the way his arms moved in short, repetitive motions he must have been handling something on his front. Cole let out a low groan, his hands then reached up and opened a cupboard, fumbling with the several pots and jars. He finally picked one then brought it closer to the candle on the counter, squinting his eyes to read the tag in the poorly-lit surroundings.


Zane had never heard the earth elemental squeal like he did that right moment. Cole visibly jerked with a gasp, doing his best to not drop the tiny jar as it bounced on his hands. He turned around and the two ninja locked gazes for a moment.


"What are you doing here?"

Cole stuttered nervously and practically turned into stone the instant Zane flicked the lights on.

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