Stressed:Jimin x BTS

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Little:Jimin (3-4)

Jimin had been stressed out lately but he's scared to slip into his headspace.His fellow Members had noticed this and they wanted to do anything that could help Jimin


The boys were currently in the dance room,practicing choreography for their next comeback.

"Ok let's take a break guys!" Hoseok yelled while turning the music off. Everyone but Jimin want to sit down and have some water,Jimin on the other hand,turned on the music and continued to dance.

"Jimin-ssi can you please just take a break for a few minutes" jungkook while standing up

Jimin completely ignored Jungkook and continued.Jimin ened up hurting himself.He fell to the floor while grabbing his ankle and he started to cry.

The members rushed over to him and surrounded him.Jin crouched in front of him and said "Jimin are you all right"

Jimin shook his head and replied with "I-it 'urts Jinnie...Minnie is hurt"

The other members looked a each other before Jin spoke up and said "Ok Can Minnie move his hand from his ankle so Jinnie can check if it's swollen"

Jimin obeyed Jin's requests and looked up at him.
"Thank you baby" Jin pulled him Jimin's trousers from the bottom to check his ankle. He pressed little on it only to hear winces and small sobs coming from Jimin.

"It's not to bad...Hoseok can you please get me an ice pack" hobi nodded before heading out to get an ice pack.

"Thanks Hoseok." Jin said while taking the ice

"Minnie this is going to feel a bit cold but I need you to be a strong boy for Jinnie ok?"


Jimin held Namjoon and Taehyung's hand for support as Jin slowly placed the ice on his ankle.At first it was really cold but after a few minutes he got used to it.

After about 25 minutes,Jimin had fallen asleep in Yoongi's arms.That's when they decided to call it and day and head home.

Hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter!!

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