Left out:Jungkook x Vmin

160 3 0

Little:Taehyung (0-4) Jimin (5-6)

Taehyung feels like jungkook is giving Jimin all the attention and he doesn't care for him anymore.


"Daddy's going to get you!" Jungkook said while chasing a giggly Jimin around

"Got ya!" Jungkook started to tickle Jimin as he dropped him on the bed.

"Daddy s-sto'!" Jimin said between giggles

Taehyung watched from afar.He Looked down before dragging himself and his TATA plushie to his bedroom.

Once he got to his bedroom he shut his door, dropped himself onto the floor and started to tear up

" 'addy no lov' taetae no 'ore" he said while using his sleeve to wipe his tears away.

After a few minutes Taehyung had fallen asleep.Jungkook had come to check on him but realised that the little needed a small nap.

A few hours later Taehyung woke up from his nap at this stage he was about 3 years old.He tried to get up from where he was sleeping which he successfully did.He opened the door to his bedroom and headed downstairs.Only to see Jungkook and Jimin is the kitchen

It looked like Jungkook was feeding Jimin ice-cream.They were leaving taehyung out again.He just decided to leave them and go to the living room.He sat down on the play mat for bit.

Tae hadn't realised it but he was falling deeper into his headspace.Now he was about 8 months old.

He didn't know what else to do but cry.So that's what he did he started to cry his eyes out.Jungkook came rushing out of kitchen and went over to Taehyung,picked him up and placed him on his lap.

"Awh what's wrong baby?" Jungkook said while brushing Taehyung's hair out of his face.

It was obvious that Tae was in baby space all his did was grab onto Jungkook jumper and buried his face into his chest

Jungkook chuckled at this adorable sight before calling Jimin over.

"Minnie can you please go and get taetae his pacifier"

Jimin nodded before heading up to Taehyung's room to get his pacifier.While Jimin was doing that he found a note and it said "Daddy read this" in messing hand writing.He decided to also take that down to Jungkook.

"Here chu you!" Jimin said while passing Jungkook the pacifier
"Thanks chim" Jungkook slowly pushed the pacifier in Taehyung's mouth.He started to slowly suck on it.

"Daddy! I found note in TaeTae room" Jimin handed Jungkook the note.Jungkook looked at it confused before reading it.The hand writing was a bit messy but he managed to read it.
It said:

To daddy
TaeTae writing this to you.TaeTae feels let out  TaeTae ish wonely.Daddy no love TaeTae no ore.Minnie ish favourite wight? Can daddy wov TaeTae gain?

Jungkook had tears prickling in his eyes.He didn't mean to neglect Taehyung he just wanted to spend more time with Jimin.Jungkook let out a shaky sigh before kissing the top of Taehyung head.

"I'm so so so sorry sunshine,I didn't mean to make you feel that way" Taehyung was still very young so he just looked at Jungkook then grabbed his cheeks and started to squeeze them.Then he giggled slightly while laying back on Jungkook's chest.Jimin climbed onto the sofa and hugged Jungkook's arm whir laying his head on his shoulder.

Jungkook was honestly grateful to have littles like these two.He made a promise to never leave any of them out.

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