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Little:Hoseok (4-6)


It's late at night and Hoseok gets scared of the thunder.He decided to get up at over to his caregiver



Hobi hid under the covers more and flinched as the thunder hit.He was trying not to cry to loud because he didn't want to wake up his Roommate.

"Hobi ish scared" he said between small sobs as another cloud of thunder hit.

He clutched onto his plushie tight not wanting to lose it.

After a few minutes, he took off his cover to see that the thunder had calmed down a bit.He sat up slowly only to see that his roommate Jimin was sleeping peacefully on his bed.He looked around a bit then got out bed

He carefully waddled over to his door opening it then Shutting it behind him.Luckily Yoongi's room was right next to his.

"Daddy!!!" He yelled while banging his small fits on the door
"Daddy 'ake up!! Hobi ish scared"

After a few minutes, a grumpy and tired Yoongi had opened the door " what do you-" that's when he saw Hobi standing there with red puff eyes

"Aww baby what's wrong?!" Yoongi said while bring hobi to his room

"Hobi ish sc-scared of funder" he between sobs

"Awww sunshine" Yoongi hold hobi into a hug and said "You should've come to me sooner baby,I can't have you been scared like this ok?"

Hobi nodded while he tugged onto Yoongi's hoodie

After a few minutes Yoongi could hear small snores coming from his shoulder,looked down to see the Hoseok had fallen asleep. He smiled slightly too himself before falling into dream land

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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