the guy in the woods

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There are a will be no lemony things, kissing at the most.

You ran through the woods, fear drenching your shirt with sweat and rain. You don't remember why you were running but instinct pushed you on, you sliped in the mud and stumbled, thunder claped above your head, you continue to run, avoiding the array of trees, lighting struck the tree in front of you temporary blinding you,you tried over a tree root, suddenly the tree trunk was in your face and you remember nothing more.

Dolores POV
I woke up to the sound of someone running, it was hard to hear over the rain, I heard lighting strike and thud, I rubbed my head, the lighting strike was loud, I did my best to pinpoint the location. "I'll have to check it out tomorrow" I thought and I fell asleep.

I woke up to Meribel singing, I rolled over and got up, and went down to breakfast and grabbed some food, Abula arrived and as usual gave her speech,
"As you all know Meribel gift ceremony is in three days, so I want everyone to work twice, we need to make sure that her day is perfect" I looked over to Meribel and saw her smiling, opposite of me sat Tio Bruno, his eyes slightly gazed, I wasn't the only one to see that, "did you catch all of that Bruno" Abula asked."yes mama" he had a sad look in his eyes

"Dolores I need to talk to you" Abula asked after I had finished "of course what do you need", "I would like you patrol the mountains to make sure the family is safe" she said it like if I had a choice, but I knew I didn't, she knew I hated patrolling the mountains, I always came back late, tired and muddy. I thought about arguing with her but I remember the person I heard last night, "okay Abula" she looked shocked that I didn't argue, anyway Abula was to scary to argue with, I walked  inside and grabbed a basket of food and walked towards the mountains.

I arrived at the mountains at around 1:15 I sat down and ate, the only sounds I could hear we're the faint sounds of the village and the light breathing, witch I assume is the person I heard last night. While I ate I tried to pinpoint what direction the breathing was coming from, after I found it I packed up what food I had left and went towards it.

When I arrived I found someone laying on the ground, there clothes were wet and they smelled like they hadn't washed in weeks, I couldn't tell if it was girl or not there face was covered in mud, I sat far enough away that I couldn't smell them and thought, originally I was just going to take them to the village, but then Abula would ask questions, like we're they come from, No I can't take them to the village, but I can't leave them here, I continue to think and could only come up with one solution, I would have to sneak them in to encanto and then into casita past everyone and into my room, from then I will wait for them to wake up and then they can explain themself,

Only one problem. How was I going to to this without them being seen.

Grabbed a tree root and tore it from the ground and then tied there hand to the tree I didn't think that they would wake up but just to be safe, it was now 2:24 when I started to head back.

I arrived at 6:02 and ate some dinner, "did anything happen" Abula asked I immediately wanted to tell her, I started to panic and blurted out "yes, no nothing happened", she looked at me weird then continue to talk to Camilo. Once I finished dinner I asked if I could go out for a walk, "what do you want to go for a walk for at this time" mama asked
"I just wanted to go for a walk through the trees, it helps me relax" I did my best to sound convincing but I think I failed "ookkaayy, just don't be out to late we have a lot of preparing to do tomorrow"

I walked out and went to the markets found a shopping cart with a few blankets and began the trek to the mountains, it had just hit nine when I found them but there was one problem they were to big for the shopping cart, I untied there hand and put them in the shopping cart, it didn't look comfortable though, I covered them with a blanket and began wheeling them home, as I walked into casita I saw Camilo, I began comming up with a story to tell him, "we're have you been, I was worried when you didn't come back, and what is that" he jested to the trolly, "it's my blankets I forgot to wash then when I washed my clothes", "then why do they still stink" he asked, oops, I began to panic, "what do you mean?", "What do you think I mean, they stink" I forced myself to lean forward and to give the blankets a long sniff, my eyes began to water, "it must just be you" I say and quickly walked away, casita turn the stairs into a ramp so I could push the trolly up, I pushed it into my room and closed the door.

I collapsed onto my bed, what I wouldn't do go to sleep right then and there, but I had things to do first using some spare blankets I made a bed on the floor and moved them onto the floor I then tied there foot to the table, I only tied there foot so they could still move around but not to far, I payed down a fell asleep within seconds.

I woke up to a horrendous smell, then my memory started to work again, I got up and saw that the person was still there, I was very curious about there gender but had no way to tell untill they wake up, well there was one way, but I wasn't that curious, mama knocked on my door "time to get up breakfast is soon" I walked out, after a quick breakfast, it was time to get things ready for tomorrow.

Meribel was running around and playing with Camilo, I walked up to Isabella "hey Dolores want to come to the markets with me I've done all my chores" "sure!" I say excited for a girls day out, we went to the markets, and Isabella dragged me to the clothing stall "what can I get you two fine lady's" the guy asked and me and Isabella giggled "a dress!" Isabella exclaimed, "can I just have a bow" I asked, "of course I will be just a minute" he came back with a red bow with a ribbon  attached and a knee pink dress with a white fringe for Isabella, I got out some money "don't worry about it you ladys can have it for free" "yay!"

We went to the river and I washed my hair and put in the bow while Isabella got changed into her dress, "how do I look" she asked a look up and started laughing, "what?", "It's inside out" I say between laughs, she started laughing too, after she stopped laughing I asked "what about me, does the bow look nice", she looked at me for a while, then she came up and took it off "I think it will look nicer in your hair" she said and put it in my hair, "there you look A lot cuter now" I layed down and enjoyed the sun shining on my face.

I shot up suddenly when I heard movement from my room, "what's wrong" Isabella asked, "nothing"
"Okay then, come on we need to get home before it gets dark" I stood up and began walking home. Upon enter my room I saw nothing I walked over to we're the person was and was relieved when I saw the person still there.

Other POV
You wake up in a bright room, you roll over and feel rope tug on your ankle, but this doesn't faze you because for the first time you can remember, you felt safe, you go back to sleep.

Dolores POV
Camilo knocked on my door, "time for dinner sis", I got of my bed and went down to dinner and sat across from Tio Bruno, while I was eating I looked at him, he had dark rings under his eyes and his shoulders sagged as if he was carrying a great burden, he saw me staring at him and smiled, I smiled back, Abula stood "as we all know Meribel gets her gift tomorrow" Meribel smiled "which means we all need to get our chores done fast tomorrow so that we can finish preparations"

I left the dinner table, and went up to my room, my mind focused on the sounds of Meribel, her laugh and the sound her lips made when she smiled, it was because of this that I didn't her the person untie the rope

Dolores is worried, she might be less worried if you give the story a vote😏

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