where is Bruno

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Listen to the song with headphones on for full experience

Pedro POV
"Where is Bruno!" some shouted as I woke up I looked over at the bed next to me and saw that Maribel had already gotten up.

I got up and walked down to the dinning room, everyone one was running around the place and searching for Bruno

Julieta saw me standing there confused

"Here" she said handing me some food and then walking of. I took a bite then walked towards Dolores who was being interrogated by Abula.

"Can you hear him Dolores"

Dolores looked like she was listening then

"No Abula I can't"

"What, but huh" she spluttered

"Dolores what's going on" I asked

"Bruno disappeared"

"Oh" I had only seen Bruno once, but even then he seem troubled, I wondered how long he planed this

"And you can't hear him" I asked


"So he is really far away?" I asked

"Maybe he could also be in a sound proof room"

"So he could be anywhere"


I sighed.

"So what happened last night" I asked quietly once Abula walked away

"We don't know" she whispered back

"That has never happened before" she continued

"I think she took it hard" I said

"Yeah I heard her crying last night, and in the morning she hid from everyone" she said

"Where is she now"

"By the river, crying"

"Should I go" I asked

"No, Camilo's on it"


"I'm going to bed now, I couldn't sleep all night"

"Oh well I'll wake you for lunch"

I turned around and walked towards the town, it was because of this I didn't see Dolores staring at me as I walked away.

It had been two hours since Dolores went to bed, I was in a sewing store with Maribel, she had come back looking sad about an hour ago so I offered to do some sewing with her.

I don't know how I managed it but I managed to stitch my sleeve onto the t shirt I was making, but at least it amused Maribel, it was the first time I had seen her smile since her gift ceremony.

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