I: "Unfair."❗🤧

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3rd person

James Sellsman

The boy was walking through the busy halls of Geodesium High School. It was about 3 weeks into the semster. The teachers were giving their all to make this year pure hell for James. It wasn't like they were really focusing on James, but were definetly watching him a lot. The short boy had a bad first impression on the teachers when back in freshman year when he beat up one of his classmates; it wasn't James' fault though. Or that was atleast what he thought.

The bell hasn't rung yet when he arrived outside of the biology classroom. He didn't arrive too early, he didn't arrive too late, he was always about 2 minutes early which was perfect for him.

'3..2..1!'- James counted down in his thoughts as perfectly a second after the bell has rung.

Students started to enter the classroom pushing or elbowing eachother to get to their seats early. The boy got in somewhere at the end and sat in his seat; which always was the one by the wall, first desk, 3rd row. To be honest, the guy really liked biology. He had a bunch of books about it and was basically the 2nd best in class at it. Never was he first though, he tried, and tried, and tried, but it never really worked out for him. Mainly because his teacher disliked him a lot, she also was the teacher responsible for his class.

"Okay class. Today we will learn about the construction and functions of the excretory system aswell as it's diseases. But before we get to that, I would like to introduce you to your new classmate." Misses Lakers said as a tall boy walked in.

James looked up at the boy standing in front of the whole class. He was, obviously very tall and slim, had black hair with messy bangs and tanned skin. His clothes were a black sainity falls shirt and black skinny jeans tightened with a weird belt. The guys face was sprinkeled with acne, his eyes were halfly covered with his hair-you could make out a brown color from under his bangs. Overall summing it up, he was attractive, VERY attractive.

Unlike the raven, James was quite average height and chubby, his hair being a chocolate brown/ in the light dirty blonde color, neatly trimmed every month by his mother so that it doesn't get past his ears, his eyes were big and said by his classmates "weird". They had a dark, thick rim and the eyes themselves were a rich brown with light blue streaks striking across the Iris in many places. By "weird" they always meant the strange discoloration of his pupils, said he looked like an alien or skinwalker whatever that means.

This new boy sent shivers down James' spine.

1st person
James Sellsman

"Now, now, young ones, please introduce yourself young man." The teacher moved to her desk and sat down.

"Hello, I'm Daniel and I'm 17. I come from Low Valley High School and... yeah. That's all." Daniel spoke. I screamed internally as even his VOICE was hot. Even his VOICE.

"Thanks, now go sit next to that guy in the front, what was your name again boy?" She asked.

"Me?" I sat up.

"Yesss.. Jake, was it?" The teacher was clueless on what my name was.. God that kinda stung. She's my homeroom teacher for God's sake and the only name she doesn't remember is MINE.

"James, miss." I replied.

"Yes, James. Daniel, sit next to James and while I am at questions, did you pick up your books yet?" God I rather listen to her stupid presentations than her voice.

"I haven't, I don't really know where the library is." I rather listen to the presetation than his voice too. Don't get me wrong, he seems nice, but it's annoying that Lakers took a liking to him already. That's soooo unfair.

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