He became my world

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Before we start here's some things to keep in mind.
y/n is Jon Moxley's little sister.
Hook and y/n are friends.

Hook and I were currently ringside, watching Ricky's match against Lee Johnson. The match was nearing the end. Lee had Ricky trapped in the corner, kicking him repeatedly. The ref counted to five, then pulled him off of Ricky. While the ref was busy getting him to back off, Hook removed the bottom turnbuckle pad Ricky was leaning against. Lee came running at Ricky, attempting a knee strike, Ricky narrowly avoided him, sending his knee crashing into the now exposed steel. Ricky hit his finisher and pinned Lee 1... 2... 3... he immediately jumped up and grabbed his title. I stood smiling and cheering for him as he celebrated. Hook jumped onto the apron and offered me his hand. I smiled and gladly took it as he pulled me up onto the apron with him. We got into the ring and celebrated with Ricky. Suddenly the song Wild Thing blared through the arena, and the crowd erupted into cheers for the last person on earth I wanted to see, my brother, Jon Moxley. We all looked towards the back, expecting him to come from the crowd like he usually did. Instead, to my surprise, I spotted him walking down the entrance ramp, microphone in hand, with a stone-cold glare plastered across his face. "This isn't gonna end well," I thought to myself as Jon entered the ring. Hook and Ricky observed Jon cautiously, not sure what to expect. Hook guided me behind him, so he was halfway between me and Jon. Jon, however, didn't seem to notice either of them. His eyes were glued to mine, daring me to look away. I stared straight back at him, accepting his silent challenge, knowing his game all too well. When I didn't look away, Jon smirked and put the mic to his lips. "You know y/n, if I didn't know you so well, I'd take that look you're giving me right now as a challenge. But you know better than to challenge me... or at least I thought you did. Ya see, sis, something you said a few weeks ago is really bugging me. And I just can't seem to let it go... You said that you wished things would go back to the way they were before..." Jon's words faded as I remembered the fight we had in his locker room weeks before.

    "God dammit y/n, I knew something was going on. I told you to stay the fuck away from people like them!" Jon yelled at me as he paced back and forth. Immediately, I started crying, the initial fear at his tone turning to anger, I silently cursed at myself for letting my emotions get the better of me. "People like them! Are you fucking kidding me right now? They have been nothing but good to me! Hook has been nothing but good to me, hell he even makes me happy, Jon, genuinely happy. That's all you need to know, and that's all that should matter to you!" I yelled through my tears, my voice sounding a lot more defeated than I intended. Jon looked at me and apologized for yelling. He knows how his tone affects me, and I hate it, it made me feel weak. "y/n I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled... I just I want what's best for you, those guys, Hook. They aren't it, trust me." He said, attempting to calm himself down. "You don't even know them Jon, you may think you do, but you don't. I know you think you're looking out for me, but this time you're wrong. They aren't bad people. Hook isn't a bad person, he's kind, protective, trustworthy. You of all people should know that the character he portraits doesn't have to be the real him." I said sternly, trying to gain back my confidence. "There's something off about him, something dangerous y/n. You're obviously too blinded by his charm to see it, but I see it. I know people like him, and none of them are good, much less good enough to be with my little sister." I scoffed, turning away. "Hey look at me!" He said raising his voice, grabbing my arm, and forcing me to face him. The look on his face made my blood run cold. "Now you listen good and you listen close, do not ever go near him again. Do not talk to him, do not text him. If you do, he's gonna get hurt, and I'll personally make sure that he never comes near you again." There was so much venom in his voice, I knew he meant what he said. But despite my efforts to stop myself, I lost it. "Fuck you, Jon! I don't have to listen to you. You don't control me anymore. If you go anywhere near Hook, I swear to god I will make your life a living hell!" I yelled, ripping my arm from his grip. I turned to leave. Just as I started to open the door, Jon put his hand against the door and slammed it shut, refusing to let me leave. "You may not be a little kid anymore, but you're still my sister and it's my job to take care of you. I don't care if you hate me. I'm doing this to protect you and if that means leaving you in this room until the night's over and not letting you out of my sight, then so be it." I could feel his piercing glare burrowing into the side of my head, practically challenging me to try and open the door again. Knowing I had lost only made me more furious. "You're insane... god I just wish things could go back to the way they were before you ever fucking knew anything!" I screamed, storming to the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it since it was the only other place I could go. I leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor, letting the tears fall as I silently sobbed, wishing I could be in Hook's arms right now.

Jon's change in tone brought me back to the present as he turned his attention to Hook. "I want to know how long you've been poisoning my sister," he said, getting in Hook's face. Hook didn't move an inch as he stared at Jon. "That's none of your business," Hook said through gritted teeth. Ricky tried to pull Hook away, knowing this wouldn't end well for anyone if it came down to a fight. But Hook shrugged him off and within a split second, I was pushed backwards as Jon punched Hook in the face. I froze all I could do was watch as the two men I loved most in this world were tearing each other apart. Only snapping out of my daze when I saw blood pouring onto the mat, I couldn't tell who it was coming from, and I didn't care. I ran to them, screaming at them to stop. I tried to pull Jon away, but in his blind rage he shoved me hard, causing me to fall everything slowed I made eye contact with Hook, his expression changing from anger to fear then I crashed headfirst onto the exposed turnbuckle. All I could do was hold the back of my head. I could already feel the warm liquid soaking my hair and hands. My vision blurred. The last thing I saw was Hook rushing to my side, then everything went black.

When I woke up, all I could see was white. I tried to look around but immediately regretted it, wincing as I felt like my head was on fire. I heard movement coming from the corner. "Hey kid, how ya feeling?" Jon said. I looked over at him. He had multiple bandages and bruises on his face. "Like I got my head slammed into a steel rod by some enraged lunatic," I spat. "Hey! I'm sorry alright. I didn't know it was you, y/n I thought it was Starks! If anything, you're the lunatic for thinking you could've broken that up. You shouldn't have gotten involved. I could've hurt you!" He said in a raised, snappy tone. He moved, so he was standing in front of my bed. "You're damn right, you could've. I don't want you here, Jon. You need to go." I snapped back. "Like hell! I'm not leaving you here with that asshole!" He yelled, "Wait... Hook's here?" I asked, more to myself than to Jon, "Yeah, the fucker won't leave no matter how many times I threaten him. He's not stepping foot in this room. Do you understand me y/n?" He said, visibly pissed off, "Get out before I call security in here to make you leave." I threatened, "Call security seriously?" He scoffed. "She told you to leave." I heard Hook say from the doorway. My nerves immediately calmed at the sound of his voice. Jon turned around to face Hook. "She also said you're a trustworthy person. Clearly, she doesn't know what's good for her.," He said, getting in Hook's face. I grabbed the call button and pressed it just in case a fight broke out again. "SHE knows exactly what's good for her and it sure as hell isn't you, Jon. Now, please leave before you get yourself arrested. I'll be fine, Jon, and somewhere in that overprotective head of yours, you know that, too." I said, attempting to put my emotions aside and de-escalate the situation. "Is everything OK here, gentlemen?" A security guard asked, "Everything's fine." Jon said, through gritted teeth. "No, it's not. My brother refuses to leave, even though I have asked him many times. I don't want him here." I replied, "Sir if she doesn't want visitors, we have to ask you to leave. You both also caused a scene earlier. We have already warned you once, and now that she is awake, she gets to decide who can stay with her." The guard said, "You know what, fine if it's really what you want, I'll go... but this isn't over," Jon said, gesturing between me and Hook. He shoved past Hook and stormed out. When my eyes finally met Hook's, my heart dropped. He had several bruises on his face, and probably a lot more I couldn't see, as well as a bandage on his forehead that was partially covered by his messy hair. He looked exhausted. "I'm sorry," I said as tears threatened to fall. "No, no, you don't need to apologize. None of this is your fault. I'm ok, I promise. " He said, hurrying over to me, and giving me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about me. Right now, all you need to do is rest." His thumb traced the back of my hand. He moved his other hand to my cheek and gently wiped away my tears. "Thanks for everything." I said, "No problem, I'll always have your back." He said, looking down, "What is it?" I asked, "I just... I'm sorry you got hurt. I should've done more to protect you." He said his voice was defeated with an undertone of anger. "What? Hook, you did protect me. You got me out of the way. I chose to get involved. Well, the moment I saw blood, there wasn't much choice. It was an instinct. But regardless, what happened wasn't your fault. " I said, and he nodded, "Hey, look at me, please. Promise me you won't blame yourself for something you couldn't control. " I said, "Yeah, I-I promise." He said as I squeezed his hand, "You better." I half-joked tiredness suddenly overwhelmed me. "Everything is going to be ok." He whispered as I drifted back to sleep.

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