The Gunns

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This was my sixth week of training at Flatbacks Wrestling School; there are only two weeks left! I was in training to become a referee. We were getting ready to start class, putting on our knee pads and wrestling boots. Austin and Colten Gunn walk in just before class begins, exuding confidence. They said hello to Spears and Breeze, and we all congratulate them on becoming the AEW tag team champions. Training starts as usual; Austin is in the ring with us, critiquing and helping us while we practice rolls. "Good, but next time, try to use more of your arm when you start to roll; don't just go straight to your shoulder. Try again." he tells me, I do, trying to do what he said, "Much better, you're getting there!" He said, smiling. I thanked him and got out of the ring, letting the next person go. The next drill was punch, kick, burpee six times, rotating through each corner, I usually don't do this one because I'm a referee and haven't been taught punches and kicks, but Colten noticed I was standing out of the line and asked: "Are you not doing this or something?" "I'm a referee," I replied, "so instead of punches and kicks, yell 'out of the corner' and do a burpee," he told me. I nodded, unsure if he was being serious or not. Colten has completed three corners and is rotating to the fourth when he notices the first corner is empty and yells, "Get in here! Out of the corner, burpee go!" When I reach the last corner, I can hear my classmates cheering me on. Just as I start to get tired and slow down slightly, Colten comes over to the apron next to me and says, "You better not fucking stop. You have three more and then you're done. Let's fucking go!" I rolled out of the ring after finishing the drill, leaning on the apron, trying to catch my breath. Everyone cheers for me, and Colten is leaning against the apron, smiling. "Hate me all you want, but you did it. Be proud." He says calmly, "Thank you," I say back, returning his smile, and he nudges my shoulder as Breeze tells us the next drill, get-ups. These were always a pain. It starts with one person in each corner, and all of us lay on our backs. When Breeze yells "up," we all get up to the right as quickly as possible, and when he yells "down," we all get back down the same way. Everyone had gone except me. Colten looks at me and asks, "You wanna do this?" "Yes," I say. I jump up onto the apron and get into the ring. We both lay down in a corner. "Up," we get up. I notice we're the only ones in the ring. Colten notices too and yells out, "Damn, no one else wants to improve?!" "Down" "up," it's still just Colten and me. I study him carefully, and I can tell he's pissed but trying to hide it. "Seriously no one, your fucking referee is making all of you look like shit, she should not be the only person in here with me right now." "Down," two more people slide in, we finish the drill, and Colten walks over to me, giving me a high five and pulling me into a hug "Good shit y/n fuck the rest of you." We finish drills; now the real fun begins.

I'm refereeing all the practice matches today. Austin gets in to face one of my classmates. They start wrestling. Austin is beating the hell out of this guy. He throws him into the ropes near me and clotheslines him so hard I thought he knocked him out. I hesitated in the blink of an eye. Austin was in front of me, centimeters from my face. I tried to step back out of surprise, but I hit the ropes. He maintained the same distance, stepping with me. "Do your job!" He yells, I feel frozen under his gaze. I stare into his blue eyes, my mind going blank. "Then get out of my way so I can," I finally mustered, my voice shaking far more than I would've liked. I shyly try to pass him and get to his opponent, but he follows me, staring me down as if I'm prey. I can feel his breath on my neck. I'm panicking. I look at Breeze; he looks back at me with sympathy and shrugs, basically telling me I have to get out of this on my own. I finally get to his opponent and squat down to check on him. Austin follows my every movement, always maintaining the same distance but never quite touching me; his eyes burrow into the side of my head. After a few more agonizing seconds, Austin gives up and goes back to beating up his opponent. After the match, I'm leaning against a corner while Breeze and Spears are analyzing the match when someone grabs my ankle. I turned to see Colten. He motions for me to follow him. I slide out of the ring and walk with him to the back of the room. "He was waiting for you to yell at him; you know, he was testing you. Seeing how far he could push before you took back control. And you didn't; you can't let people like him—people like us—push you around. When you're in that ring, you are the authority. If you don't start acting like it, people are going to walk all over you. Don't let that happen again. I promise you next time if you yell back, he will back down." Colten told me, and I nodded, processing his words.

We get back in the ring. Colten is in this time. He walks over to me, "Fucking yell at me." he says sternly yet quietly, so only I can hear. I nod confidently, and the match begins. Colten backs his opponent into the corner, kicking him repeatedly. "Out of the corner!" I yell and start counting. I get to 4. Colten puts his hands up. "I know the rules!" He yells, getting in my face, "Then get him back to the middle!" I yell loudly and with confidence, not backing down from him. He stares for a moment, his eyes softening ever so slightly. It feels like time slows yet again; I feel lost in those blue eyes. "Better," he says, smiling at me before grabbing his opponent and dragging him to the middle to continue his assault. I regain my composure and try my best to get back to work. Colten wins the match. During my break, I get my notebook and find a spot against the wall to observe and write about today. I also write about the Gunns and the way I can't help but feel attracted to Colten and Austin. Something about them, especially Colten, just gives me butterflies. I usually hate looking people in the eyes, but with them, it comes easy. Just as I'm finishing up, I get called back to the ring to ref the last match of the night. I set my notebook down, not thinking. And ref the match. Class ends. I pack my stuff, say my goodbyes, and head home, excited about tomorrow.

The next day, I walk into class ready to give it my all. I'm talking with my roommate as Colten and Austin walk in, and to my surprise, they come right up to me. I look up at them, confused. "Hey, come here; we want to talk to you real quick," Colten says. I excuse myself and follow them outside, internally freaking out—what could they possibly want to talk about? Colten reaches into his bag and pulls out a familiar-looking notebook. "This yours?" he asks, extending my notebook to me; it's flipped to yesterday's entry. 'Shit, how much did they read?' I think to myself. "Uh yeah, thanks," I say, grabbing the notebook from him, avoiding eye contact, and suddenly feeling very nervous. "If that's all, I'm going to go," I mumbled barely above a whisper and went to walk back inside. "Hang on a second y/n, we wanted to talk to you about what we read. I know, I know, it was an invasion of your privacy, but you left it here open to the page. We weren't going to read it at first, but then we saw our names, and we got curious. Ow—" Austin began, and Colten elbowed him in the side, "Look, y/n. Hey, seriously, look at me, please." Colten spoke softly. I looked up at him slowly; my face felt hotter than the sun due to how embarrassed I was. "There, see, that wasn't so hard. First, we wanted to apologize for reading your journal; we shouldn't have invaded your privacy like that. But since we did, we wanted to ask you if you would let us take you out tomorrow, if you're free?" Colten said. I stared in shock for a few seconds, unsure if what I just heard had happened. "What—you're not—are you guys fucking with me? Because if you are, that's very rude, and I don't appreciate—" I ranted, looking between them, expecting one of them to start laughing and tell me it was a joke. Colten grabbed my shoulders gently. "No, we aren't messing with you, y/n; we are genuinely interested in you and want to know if you would let us take you out tomorrow, so we can get to know you and you can get to know us outside of all the wrestling stuff. So what do you say?" Colten asked. I stood looking into his eyes, and the nerves faded away. I felt at peace. I wasn't sure how or why, but something about these boys just feels right. "I- um, ok, yes, I will go out with you guys tomorrow night." I said, unable to hold back my smile, "Great! We'll pick you up at, let's say, 7?" Austin beamed, "sure, 7 sounds great!" I said, smiling even bigger than I thought possible, "see you then, stripes," Austin added as Colten squeezed my shoulders, and they went to walk back inside. "Wait, how can I contact you guys?" I asked, realizing I didn't have their numbers. "Look at your notebook again," Colten said with a wink, and they disappeared around the corner. I looked down to see two phone numbers written at the bottom of the page. My stomach did a backflip. I didn't think it was possible to be this happy. I took a breath and replayed what just happened in my head over and over, still not fully believing what just happened. Once I regained my composure, I walked back into the building and over to my classmates. "What was that about?" my roommate asked me. "I'll tell you later," I said, a small smile creeping back on my face.

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