Zyon Quinn

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Zyon was facing Wes Lee tonight. I knew that winning this match was extra important to him, considering the last time he faced Lee, he lost. So I decided I'd have some fun at Zyon's expense. The match was nearing its end, with Zyon in full control. As I walked down the ramp, neither man noticed me; my eyes locked on Zyon. I hopped onto the apron, pulling myself up, just as Zyon came running towards me. He came to a screeching halt inches from me, a confused look plastered on his face. Before he could regain his composure, I grabbed him and pulled him into a heated kiss, biting his lip hard before I shoved him backward. He stared at me, bewildered, holding his lip. Lee took advantage of my distraction and went for a roll-up. Lee wins; he races past me narrowly, avoiding an extremely pissed-off Zyon. I smirked at him, a laugh escaping my lips. My plan had worked perfectly. I had single-handedly cost Zyon the match he so desperately wanted to win, and I got a kiss out of it. That's a win-win in my book. Zyon turned his attention to me, his anger only growing. "What the fuck was that!?" He screamed, getting in my face. I didn't move an inch; the smirk across my face was only growing. "Easy there, chief; I was just having a little fun." "Fun! Oh, is that right? Ima get you back for this, sweetheart, just wait." He seethed centimeters from my face. "I would love to see you try," I said, blowing him a kiss as I jumped off the apron and backed up the ramp, our eyes never leaving each other's.

As I walked into my locker room, my mind couldn't help but linger on Zyon's words. Almost as soon as I shut it, a heavy hand pounded on the door. I turned to answer it, letting out a small yelp as I was practically shoved back into the room by Zyon. Before I could even process what was going on, he had me pinned against the wall. "You thought I wouldn't take you up on that offer, sweetheart," he said, still breathing heavily from the match. I could feel his breath on my face, my heart racing, and my mind in disarray. "What's the matter? Where's that fiery attitude now, huh?" He mocked me, getting closer to my ear as I tried to pull away. He tsked "Nah, sweetheart, you're not getting out of this that easily. You started this, remember?" His breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine. His lips grazed my ear and then moved down my neck. I instinctively let out a sigh, tilting my head up, my eyes fluttering closed without even thinking. I felt him smirking against my skin. He bit down on my shoulder hard, making me hiss, the pain snapping me out of my daze. I shoved him off of me. "There she is." He chuckled, pleased with himself. "What are you doing?" was all I could muster; my thoughts still jumbled. "Well, I was getting payback, but after seeing what I just did to you, I'm reconsidering, and I'm willing to bet you are, too." He said, still smirking and watching my reactions closely, "What!? No, Zyon, fuck off! I only kissed you earlier to distract you and help Lee get the win." I retorted, "Mhm, see, your mouth says that, but your body—your body says otherwise." He said, slowly closing the distance between us again. I gulped, unsure of what to do. Before I could decide, he brought his hand to my cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. His hand lingered on my jaw, bringing my gaze up to meet his. I found myself lost in his eyes; he grabbed my waist and gently pulled me against him until our lips were yet again centimeters apart, giving me ample opportunity to turn away or stop him, but I didn't. I wasn't sure why, but I felt entranced by him. This wasn't the same feeling I had when I kissed him earlier; yes, there was a spark, but this was a raging fire. All I wanted was to feel his lips on mine again. I reached up and grabbed his neck, pulling him down slightly into a passionate, rushed kiss. He happily obliged. Lifting me with a grunt, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He took control, slowing down the kiss yet still keeping the passion, walking us over to the vanity and setting me down on top of it. His lips moved back to my neck, quickly finding my sweet spot. I let out a moan, and he hummed in approval, nipping and sucking at my neck. He placed gentle kisses on the already sore and bruising bite mark he left on my shoulder. His fingers traced the hem of my shirt. "Can I?" he asked, looking at me for approval. "Yeah," I replied. Both of us were breathless as he lifted off my tank top. I trace my hands along his tattooed chest and shoulders. His gaze on my chest made me momentarily self-conscious. "Girl, don't you get all shy on me now; come here." He picked me up and turned me around to face the mirror, his arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me into a hug. "You see this? This is drop-dead gorgeous!" He boasted, gesturing to my body. I laughed at his kind words, my face heating at the attention. "And that beautiful smile whew takes my breath away." His voice fading, almost below a whisper. I watched him look at me through the mirror. The way his eyes gleamed, that was the first time I noticed the way he looked at me—as if I were in his world. He kissed my cheek, muttering words of praise with each kiss, working his way down to my shoulder. I felt completely and utterly overwhelmed with love. His warm body pressed against mine and his strong arms holding me close made me feel protected and safe. I turned around to face him, and we smiled at each other like lovesick idiots. "Thank you, Zyon; I needed that." "Sweetheart, I'll always be here to hype you up and make sure you know how fucking stunning you are—if you'll let me, that is." My heart fluttered. "I would love nothing more." "For real?" He asked excitedly. "Yes, for real." I couldn't help but giggle at his eagerness. He lifted me and spun us around, both of us laughing. "You don't understand how long I've been waiting to hear you say that." He said, putting me down, our laughs fading. "Well, then I'm sorry for making you wait so long."

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