Chapter 1

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Throughout history Demons, Devils and Daemons have been depicted as cruel, unforgiving, and manipulative creatures, synonymous with hatred. A common representation of a Demon would of course be in the ever so popular Bible, some say this is just how they all are, but I believe this perception is skewed by historical revisionism and the danger of a single story. One person's retelling of a single bad experience passed down from generations of storytellers to generations of listeners. Each of them didn't think to look for answers themselves. They willingly trusted secondary sources and accepted them as the truth, but I am here to open the world's eyes to see reality.

Long ago, before even our world existed there once was a magical plane filled with creatures such as Succubi, Incubi, Demons, and Devils. No one knows for sure how these Immortal beings came to be, but once they did, they began to live in harmony and embraced their differences, soon this realm began to be known as Aria. Well into Aria's youth, on the other side of this supernatural world grew one very similar to the one we call Earth except, the concept of religion hadn't sparked until the late 1600's. The only thing separating the two was a wall woven from pure magic. This new world had oceans as far as the eye could see, and trees that scraped the sky. To inhabit this land were an array of creatures ranging from ones who roamed the depths of the oceans to ones that lived in the tallest of trees, but amidst this environment came the first homosapiens to ever walk this land, they quickly adapted and began farming, using tools and building homes, and with this, they began to start families. While Earth flourished, back in Aria, a very curious Daemon was born. Now the creatures of Aria weren't born the way the creatures on Earth were born, Arian beings have no parents, they are created by the same magical beings that created the wall, or so it has been said by the elders. This Daemon went by the name Caelum, He had pointed ears, as all Arians did, chocolate brown hair with delicate curls, chestnut eyes, and horns that protruded out from his forehead and curved towards the sides of his round face. As he was thrown into this world he was quickly taken under the wing of an older Daemon named Solomon. Solomon explained the ways of Aria to Caelum, for example how each creature got their names, "Whatever word you first utter," said Solomon, "shall be your name.", Caelum remembered that moment vividly, as if it happened against his will, at that moment his mouth wasn't his. Solomon also told Caelum that in this world names are very important. "They can tell you about your future, whether it be what you will be doing or what you will experience. For example, my name, Solomon, means Wisdom, and here I am bestowing wisdom unto you. And your name, Caelum, means Chisel, however, it is for you to discover its significance.". Caelum was confused by this; he wasn't sure what that would entail for his future.

As Solomon taught Caelum the ways of this world and its magic, he also regaled him with tales of Aria's past, and of a fabled land, covered in green inhabited by a plethora of interesting creatures. A direct contrast to Aria's red, sandy ground. This land was just within reach of Aria but was hidden by a magical wall called the Meridian, this interested him as he eventually grew tired of spending his days learning of the past and of basic magical practices, or he assumed it had been days, it was hard to tell the passage of time in Aria as there was no day or night. No rising sun to signify a new morning. Solomon had told Caelum that this rumored green land was the very reason Aria and its beings existed, well not the land itself but the people living there. Everyone here was created for a reason, each species had a purpose, "Succubi, taking on very feminine attributes, are here to tantalize people and fulfill their sexual desires, Incubi do the same but take on a more masculine appearance, however, both of these beings are able to alter their appearance to better attend to a Human's lustful needs." Solomon explained "Then there are Daemons and Demons, you could tell what kind they are by their horns." said Solomon pointing at his own and then at Caelum's. "Serenity Daemons like me, have antlers almost like those of a young deer, they exist to create peace and calm within the chaos of people's minds, then there are Sadism Demons who feed on people's negative energy and can often times multiply it, they have sharp horns resembling those of a goat. And last but not least, there are Empathy Daemons, with horns similar to a sheep. They pride themselves on helping to lighten the load of emotions weighing on a person.". Caelum's heart began to race as he traced the smooth curve of one of his horns with his index finger and thought of being able to help others, to lighten their loads, to loosen their knots of emotion. For he was an Empathy Daemon.

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