||chapter 11||

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I slid it onto my hand next to the ring from the founders and looked at Ranorik.

"So . . . what now?"


I flexed my fingers and stretched my neck in an attempt to relieve the stress I had stored up. I exhaled softly and brushed the fringe of my hair away from my eyes. 

A glance to the side showed me Sirius looking rather pale and unsteady. He looks almost ill. I brushed it off with a shrug, I could tell he was fine. Simply in a bit of shock from the results of the rings accepting me as their new heir. 

"Lady-" Ranorik started, "How would you like me to address you, my Lady?"

I paused to think for a moment before glancing over to Sirius. 

"I think... if you would be okay with it," I began, directing my half statement half question to my Godfather, "I think I would like to be Lady Black-Peverell on official documents but remain simply Lady Black within society."

Sirius smiled softly, his eyes glittering with tears that had yet to fall, and nodded silently.

I smiled and looked back to the goblin who was watching the interaction between myself and Sirius with his beady eyes. 

"Although it's Angel to you Ranorik," I spoke with a grin and he nodded in acceptance. 

"Alright Lady Black, I already keyed your vaults together so no need to worry about that and I will have a list of your properties owled to you within the next few days as I am sure you are ready to leave-"

I nodded my head rather aggressively at his words.

"- and that is about all for now. We can go over specifics of everything at another time. I would suggest stopping by Flourish and Blotts to pickup some books going over proper societal roles that come with your titles as well as customs for older wizarding families such as yours. It would do you well to learn now as to not make enemies in the future, yes?" 

I hummed while thinking it over and looking back to my godfather to see him nodding.

"Yes, you definitely haven't learned all a proper Lady should have by now... we can work on that before you go off to school Angel. Shouldn't be too hard because I still remember what little my bastard of a father taught me and some of my mother's screeching about customs... I'm sure it'll come back to be after some reading," Sirius spoke while looking a little distant in thought.

I thought to myself, "Yes that should work... I need to be a proper Lady in order to maintain appearances and my alliances with families. Speaking of I need to learn about those too and fix any bonds that have been broken because of the Potters. I got this... right?"

"Okay, lets go Sirius. We can stop by the bookstore on the way home so I can get some material to read over. Ranorik, you wouldn't happen to have a list to guide me, would you?"

The goblin nodded and held a roll of parchment out to me and I took it with my left hand and unrolled it with my right hand to give it a glance over before entering the bookstore. I gave a short nod and thanked the grumpy looking creature. 

"I will owl you anything more of importance, Lady Black," Ranorik smirked, "I look forward to seeing you flourish. May your enemies fall at your feet in despair and failure."

I matched his smirk and gave an even more sinister look towards him while motioning for Padfoot to exit with me.

"I look forward to flourishing alongside Gringotts. May your vaults overflow with the riches of your work."

I turned on my heel and the door swung open and I exited, the doors shutting with a loud slam.

"Watch out Potters. I am here."


I know, I know. I am finally updating! I got a new laptop so I hope I can update more? We shall see... 

I hope you enjoyed this new chapter! Let me know what you think and what your guesses are for the future. 

Also, if you have an ideas you want to share or see in the story - let me know! I would love input from the readers, especially about love interests, plot line, and other things!

Drink some water, have a small bite to eat, and take care of yourselves. Happy Holidays!

- Lilbean

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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