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The snakes work diligently to build our treehouse... tree mansion more like.

The main building is 6 levels wrapped around an enormous trees. There are rope bridges strung in between surrounding trees leading to various lookout points and watch towers. They even built us an elevator, one of the snakes in charge of operating it 24/7.

The best are the booby traps! Trick floors that drop the unsuspecting person into cases that dangle around the treehouse. Wooden boards in the floor and walls with pressure points to release darts, dodgeballs, sandbags and whatever else we'll rig up in them.

Lloyd and I walk the whole area with the General, giving him more tasks for the snakes to complete.

"Is there a trap door on the elevator?" Lloyd asks

"I don't believe so, master."

"If we plan to rule Ninjago from here, the elevator needs to have a trap door." Lloyd says, "we need more booby traps!"

"As you wish, Young Garmadon." He says

"And puts from trick wires on the doorways." I add, "make one of them release a giant axe when it's set off."

"Actually make that 2 axes," Lloyd adds, "one to slam down when the wires activated and a double edged one to swing back and forth."

He looks kinda shocked and like he thinks we're crazy, but nods anyways.

"We'll get the axes for you right away."

"Also set up some smoke bombs!" I call after him as he leaves to instruct the others on the new renovations.

Lloyd and I go to the top floor and look down at the blue serpents working ceaselessly for us. Scales is talking to some random snake a few levels beneath us, I can't hear what they're saying, but he looks just as pissed off as usual. I don't give it much thought when the General joins them and they get back to work.

How lucky were we to gain control over an entire tribe without doing a single thing to earn it? We didn't even have to convince the whole group, just get the loyalty of the General and they all follow whatever he says, which is whatever we say!

I wonder how we'll get the other tribes to follow along. Can the Hypnobrai hypnotize other breeds?

"This was a great idea, Linds."

"I couldn't agree more." I say smugly

"Imagine it when we have all the snake tribes under our control!"

"No way the ninja will be able to do anything to stop us!"

Lloyd hums, "we should take some precautions to make sure they don't come in."

I furrow my eyebrows, "we have a ton of booby traps and they don't even know where we are, what else should we do?"

He looks me dead in the eyes before saying, "keep out signs." With the straightest face I have ever seen.

"Lloyd, we have trick wires at all the entrances, trap doors on each level, and cages setup all over the place. And you want to make keep our signs?"

"Yes!" He says simply

I shrug, "I love it! Let's make them have big and bold font. We'll also make one that says 'no ninja allowed'!"

"Yeah, we can hang them up around our new property."

"We're gonna need some stuff." I say as we start to leave the roof towards the elevator, easily avoiding each trap.

"Should we send the snakes?"

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