~8 Part 2~

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Garmadon moved into the ninja's room which I find kinda hilarious considering the circumstances. I'm planning on observing him for the time being. After I quickly left last night, I know they had a brief meeting, but still didn't speak for long. This morning they're having a meeting to catch Wu up with everything that's happened the past few weeks he's been gone.

I still haven't spoken to Garmadon yet, which is kinda ridiculous.

"It's your dad, Lindsey, just go talk to him."

But I just haven't yet. The only one I've spoken to is Zane and even that's been pretty brief. I've mainly been in the vents, watching everyone, but mostly dad. I want to see what he's like first.

They're all in the bridge at the moment. The boys look very annoyed with dad's presence. None more than Kai. Nya looks like she's just as pissed, but does a way better job of hiding it than her brother does.

Dad stands beside Uncle, arms crossed behind his back and paying attention to the conversation. He doesn't look at the boys angered expressions, simple ignores them entirely.

At the moment we're all on the same side. Whether the boys and Nya like it or not, whether dad likes it or not, they all need each other. I'm sure if I asked the boys they would insist they could take care of the snakes without an issue, but they don't dare go against Sensei's orders.

"So where are we at with the 4 Fangblades?" Uncle starts

"Pythor's managed to take the first 2," Jay explains, but there's still 2 left."

"And we only need 1 in order to prevent him from unleashing the Great Devourer." Cole adds

"Is that what his plan is? I'm I really that oblivious? Wait. If this snake still exists where the hell has it been? You'd think a legendary snake would be more well known."

"Any luck finding their whereabouts?" Uncle questions

"No, but the falcon is programmed to alert us if he sees any suspicious activity." Zane replies

"Good, if we find the Fangblade, we find Lloyd."

"Yes, thank you Uncle for taking this seriously!"

"Kai and Nya, prepare the deck and double check the anchor. We need to be ready when we first get word of activity." He instructs

"Yes, Sensei." They respond and start to leave the control room.

Kai however, has a staring contest with my dad as he does so. He's glaring daggers at him, "I have my eye on you."

Dad simply smiles at him. It's a weird innocent smile used by someone who is non innocent in every way possible. It makes me smirk because I make the same exact face all the time. Kai doesn't take his eyes off him and walks straight into the doorframe, banging his head.

Uncle sighs and shakes his head at the same time I giggle. It's louder than I meant too, echoing through the vents, and the others in the room look around for the source of it. Only Zane glances up at the vent door above them on the side wall. But he quickly looks away with a small smile.

Nya grabs Kai's arm and pulls him behind her out of the room. A moment later he returns and makes a gesture to show that he's watching Garmadon. She quickly grabs him again and drags him away finally.

Sensei shakes his head again and turns to the others, "Jay, did you say the falcon was programmed?"

"Zane did actually."

"Well, the first time Zane ever saw the falcon, it led us to the twin's treehouse with the Hypnobrai tribe. After that it showed Zane the Bounty. Then he saw it in a dream about the Green Ninja. But this time it led us to the place Zane was built and where he gained his true potential. So every time we see him, he leads us to something big and important." Jay explains, "since he's a droid as well, Zane and I were able to program him to be on alert for Serpentine and report back if spotted."

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