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It ended up taking us an entire day to get to the forest surrounding the toxic bogs. Even with the map, who would've known how many forests were in Ninjago. It's ridiculous!

Either way, we're here now stumbling through the misty forest, attempting to not trip over any tree roots. It's nighttime now which means everything is extremely dark. The only thing we can see is the small beam from our flashlight, everything else is pitch black until it's right in front of our faces.

Lloyd and I are practically glued together as to not drift apart, get lost here, and die. But it's totally not because we're scared. Us scared?! The children of Lord Garmadon? Don't be ridiculous!

"It's not scary." Lloyd says, voice a tad shaky, but like he's trying to cover it up.

"No definitely not." I reply, my voice coming out the same.

Lloyd shines the flashlight around, highlighting the trees, the fog illuminating back at us, making it look thicker than it actually is. Somewhere off to the left of us, something rustles in the bushes causing both of us to jump with a slight scream.

We both quickly recover and look at each other, silently agreeing to pretend like that didn't happen.

"Okay, maybe just a little scary." I whisper

He nods, "yeah, just a little bit."

"But we like scary!" I quickly add

"Exactly! But we're the kids of the Dark Lord."

It's my turn to nod, "we love the dark."

"We eat this stuff for breakfast." We say together, our voices getting a little louder than we realized.

Lloyd shines the flashlight ahead of us to reveal the silhouette of an enormous 2 headed snake in our path.

"Ahhh!!" We scream, clutching onto each other, waiting for an attack. Except nothing happens.

We both peek an eye open and our screams come to a halt when we realize is just a creepy looking tree.

Lloyd and I let go of each other and laugh awkwardly. We both clear our throats and continue on the path.

Finally the trail leads to an archway of a graveyard. Tombstones stick up all of the place around us as we continue to follow the map.

"Who the hell buried people all the way out here?"

Lloyd looks over the map again, "if we're gonna make those Hypnobrai pay for betraying us, we need to find the Fangprye. If there's anything a snake doesn't like, it's another snake."

"Are we getting close?" I ask, leaning over his shoulder for a better look at the map.

"It's supposed to be by the mutated tree." He says, pointing to the picture of it.

I take the flashlight and point it around us, finally finding the tree matching the one on the map. "Found it!" I exclaim and we run over to it.

We dust away the dirt on the ground to reveal a trap door similar to the one we found over the Hypnobrai tomb. This one just has a 2 headed snake carved on it.

"How do we open it?" I ask, "the other one had a snake handle to open it. Is there another one?"

He shakes his head looking around, "not one that I see."

I go to the tree and look for anything relating to it to help us. He drops to his knees and moves his hand across the stones, looking for a way to open the door.

He finally pushes a small stone and the door swings inward, almost underneath my feet. I'm able to jump out of the way before I fall through like the first time we found a tomb.

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