A Little Closer

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A/N: Hello! Read!

---Last Time (cause it's been like more than 5 months)---

The first boy tried to warn the other. "Hey man, I wouldn't-" but it was too late. The second boy fell backwards, his nose broken and a few teeth on the floor.

'One," Y/n said, his voice deathly calm. A dark aura began to protrude from his body. "I don't think I asked you anything. I was asking my beautiful girlfriend here if you two were bothering her, and I think I just got my answer. And two, next time, brush your teeth. Your breath smells like ass. Maybe you stop eating shit." Y/N looked at the first boy. "We gonna have a problem too?"

"N-no man!" He yelled out. He quickly picked up his friend and ran off.

Y/N shook his head and looked at Kai'sa. "Hey, you alright?" He asked.

"Y-yeah," she replied, a little scared but careful not to show it. "Thanks for that"

Y/N sighed a little and unwrapped his arm from around her. "No problem, I hate guys like them." He began to walk off towards the rest of the girls who had already gotten their food and had started talking at a table.

Kai'sa watched as he walked off.

'What happened to you, Y/N?'


After the incident, Y/N, Kai'sa, Ahri, Evelynn, Akali, and Vi all finished their meals. Kai'sa occasionally peered over at Y/N, trying to discern anything from his facial features. Each time Y/N would turn to look at her, and she'd turn around, face bright red.

Y/n sighed before standing up. "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back soon."

The others looked over in confusion.

"U-uh, okay...?" Akali said.

Y/N walked off. Not a minute later, Kai'sa shot up and said, "I too have to go to the bathroom! Where is it?" She looked to Vi.

"Oh, it's towards the back of the food court. It's near the male's bathroom so just follow where Y/N went."

"O-okay!" Kai'sa started walking off towards Y/N's shrinking figure.


Y/N splashed some water against his face, his hair drooping and matting over his face as the water dripped down it. He slowly lifted his head up into the scratched-up mirror, his hands clenching at the cold marble counter.


A small voice called out towards him from behind. Y/N quickly turned around, tense, before calming back down.

"Oh, it's just you, Kai'sa. You need anything?"

Kai'sa looked around before nodding. Y/N sighed before leading them out of the men's bathroom.

"Don't want anyone to assume something."

Kai'sa's face turned bright red as she blushed.

"R-right!" she squeaked before following Y/N outside of the bathroom. Y/N pulled her away from the entrance and looked towards her with an eyebrow raised.

"You wanted to ask something about earlier, didn't you?"

"Y-yes... are, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's sweet, but you don't have to worry. Guys like them just don't get a hint unless it's drilled into their heads."

Kai'sa looked away, "R-right, I was just worried about you is all. I don't really ever remember you being this...violent? N-not that I'm not thankful, or anything! I'm glad that you warded them off...it just was, a little scary."

Y/N looked away before looking back, meeting her sparkling violet eyes.

"I'm sorry for worrying you Kai'sa," Y/N started. "I just-...I couldn't stand there and watch them harass you. You looked so uncomfortable. You're my friend, Kai'sa, and friends stick together. I'm sure if the girls were there, they would've done the same thing. I get that it was violent, and I'm sorry, but I didn't know what else to do."

Kai'sa moved closer to Y/N, resting her hand on top of his.

"It's fine. I'm glad you did, but just be a little less rough next time, okay?"

Y/n smiled softly at her before chuckling.

"Hopefully, there isn't the next time." He says to her. Kai'sa giggles.

"Yeah, that'd be pretty bad."

They walked back to the rest of the girls together. While they were walking, Kai'sa looked over to Y/N. While she didn't get the answer she wanted, she was glad that she was able to get a bit closer to Y/N, a bit closer to how they used to be. Just a little bit closer than some of the other girls. Just a little closer...

A/N: ANNNNNNDDDDDD END! Sorry, it took so long, but I just keep losing all motivation for this. I was having trouble with making Y/N's backstory, and just decided to worry about that later, hope you enjoy it! Also, this is really really short, I wanted it to be longer but didn't want to draw it out, so this is what happened. Also ending was rushed cause I wanted to make it a bit longer, and to end with the title, how is it?

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