[Oneshot] Checkmate

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{Twin Prodigy AU}

Kim and Cale. A prodigies who excelent in various talents without even finishing their study or stop studying when they were 9. The age of the lost of their beloved mother.

Kim sat infront of Cale with chess board filled with the pawns. They look at each other with a stoic face.

They were having a conversations about how humans are so useless and greedy but also isn't at the same time.

It wasn't until Kim starts to move one of his Pawns to E5 while talking, and Cale did the same.

"Human can be seen selfish and greedy most of the time."

Kim move the Knight to F3 while Cale put his Knight on C6.

"Some are selfish for what they want, but some are for others."

Kim move the Bishop B5, waiting for Cale to move his. Cale put one of his Pawns on A6, eyes locked on Kim who seemsto be smiling.

Cale frown. He felt like somethings gonna happen to him.

"Most of them are greedy for themselves without caring about others misery."

Kim hum. He move the Bishop which on B5, down to A4 before he talk.

"That is society."

Cale stop frowning and move another Pawn to D6. Wonders why this brother of his starts to play chess together.

Kim move his Pawn to C3.



Cale ask while moving his Bishop to D7. Thinking what does he means by 'Us'.

Kim move another Pawn to D4 and wait for Cale to move before talking. Cale move his other Knight to E7.

"Society is made by us."

Kim move his Bishop back to B3 while Cale move another one of his Pawns to H6.

"We are the one who create society."

Kim move another one of his Knight to D2 while Cale move his to G6.

"If we're the one who made society, then why are we so mad at society itself?"

Cale watch as Kim put down that Knight he move earlier to C4 before moving another one of his Bishop to E7.

Kim move back that Knight to E3, silently watch as Cale move his King to G8 that made the Rook toove to F8.



Cale wonders what does this smiling guy talking about with all of this philosophy saying.

Kim move his King to G1 which made his Rook to move to F1. While Cale ate his Pawn which are on D4.

"Human seek for satisfactions in everything."

Kim move his Knight to eat the Pawn on D4 just for Cale to eat it back with his Knight.

"Like I said before, human are greedy."

Kim eat back the Knight using his Pawn which made Cale move another one of his Rook to B8.

Kim put down his Queen on H5 while Cale move his Bishop to E6.

"Then what are we even trying to prove?"


Kim said while eating that Bishop on E6 using his Bishop. Making Cale to move his Knight to F4.

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