When the clock stopped ticking.

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Authors note: This isn't very high quality. Lots of spelling errors, I was typing this fast as possible. Not the best by any means, but I'm proud of it! Also, lots of angst because Y/N just lost their family to accidental universe swap. Always wanted to write one of these "fan gets transferred to world they are a fan of" stereotypes, but it always seemed too childish. Now I'm just gonna go for it. Maybe people will like it! Maybe? (this first chapter is entirely skippable, summary at bottom if you don't want to read this)

Chapter One: When the clock stops ticking. You had been sitting in your room, sketching a little comic with Sundrop, your favorite character from Security Breach, when the clock stopped ticking. Both of them. 'Did the batteries run out at the same time?' you wondered. Walking out of your room and into the kitchen where your brother was sitting, you called his name. "Asher, is everything okay?"

 He had been sitting at the kitchen table playing his ipad, before the clock stopped ticking. But now, he was frozen. Not even taking a breath. "Asher...?" you said nervously, waving your hand in front of his face. Nothing. No reaction, no breathing, and the clock still wasn't ticking. Hesitantly, you approached the faucet, and tried to turn it on. Nothing came out. Not even a drop. You looked outside and saw no movement, heard no sound. 

And suddenly you realized that you were the only moving thing around you. The clocks didn't tick, the water didn't run, the cars on the interstate had stopped dead in their tracks. And so you collapsed, bawling on the floor. Your knees hit the cold floor, and you flinched, a throbbing pain shooting through your knee. You just had to wait until your parents got home, right? Then everything would be better, right? 

They would never come home, the voice in your head said. The reasonable one, the one that took things at face value. "You aren't helping," you growled at yourself, making your way back towards your bedroom. And then you flopped down in your bed, tears still flowing, and cried yourself to sleep.

More of an introduction than anything. Expect chapters to be short, though, because I can't write long passages for the life of me! (Summary: Oh no, time stopped. You didn't, though. Congrats! The bad news comes tomorrow :C)

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