Awkward Introductions

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The copy-pasting continues! Except this time it took forever because Dreamily is laggy as hell. I'm not even using the AI! I'm just gonna write in Wattpad, don't know why I wasn't before tbh.

After a whole lot of walking, you finally made it to the Pizzaplex. And holy shit, it looked so much bigger in real life then on a computer screen. It was like an Amazon warehouse, not that you had ever seen one. And you wouldn't be surprised if you didn't see one, given Fazbear Entertainment's tendency to own property in every single industry to ever exist.
With nothing but your backpack, filled with 2 changes of clothes, snacks, and a 100$ bill that alternate-universe you had been smart enough to save, you strode into the Pizzaplex, excited to see what it had in store for you.

It looked so much bigger on the inside. Neon lights reflected off the shiny floors, making it hard to focus, but from what you could tell it was the biggest place in Idaho. There were so many people that you could barely hear your own thoughts, let alone the poor person across the front desk trying to get you your entry pass. Trying to signal that yes, you were here alone, was a task in of itself.
You eventually managed to get that done, and you walked around 10 steps before you were sneak attacked! - by Mapbot. 'Ah yes, the meme is now alive,' you thought to yourself, taking the map and thanking the bot by giving it a little pat on the head. Speaking of pats, you had to stop every time you saw a wet floor sign to give it head pats. Every. Single. One. They were just so CUTE!

Anyways, using the confusingly vague map you eventually found your way to the place you wanted to be; the Daycare. It was the only place that you knew completely in your head, and of course you wanted to go batshit crazy over your favorite FNAF character standing right in front of your eyes. There was a man standing by the Slide Into Fun™, clearly just about ready to fall asleep. "Excuse me, sir," you ask, trying to sound like an adult, "but where can I get a Daycare pass?" The guy shrugs. "You here by yourself?" he asks. You nod a little, feeling uncomfortable. "Yeah, I get it, little dude. Go ahead and go, I won't bug ya for a pass." You give him a thumbs up as a thank you, feeling his stare as you swing down the slide.

Your uncomfortableness melts away as you land in the ball pit, however. Despite being almost a teenage, you gasp at the bright colors around you, the happy go lucky music, and the jungle gym. You never got to play in one as a kid. Regaining your balance in the ballpit, you put your weight onto the foam covered side of the pit. Having never gotten a chance to play in one before, you need a bit of time. You lost that childlike trait of never thinking about it before doing before you were 9 years old, and you usually hesitate for a minute or two before jumping right in. You take this time to look around and make sure nothing is totally different from what you know. The conclusion is that everything is in the same place. and you also note that Sun is currently in a round of hide and seek with some little kids. You don't want to interrupt him, so you decide to hide in the ballpit until he finished the his game.

Though, he is getting closer. Did he notice you? Is something wrong. No, he probably is just looking for kids hiding in the ballpit. LIke you, you realize. Gosh darnit, now you're playing hide and seek too! It's not that you don't want to, its that you didn't ask, and now he might make a big deal out of it due to you being a literal 12 year old in the daycare where parents leave their kids while they and play Gator Golf with their older kids, who are around your age.

Okay, he definitely noticed you. It still seems like he thinks you're one of the kids he's playing with, though, because he's being extra dramatic about sneaking around and whatnot. Excited yourself, you prematurely rise out of the ballpit, and he looks right at you. Realizing your mistake, you begin stuttering, saying,
 "O-oh.. Um.. I'm not the.. the person you're looking for, am I? I'm sorry. Am I too old to be here? Should I go? I really would rather stay, as long as possible preferably, but if I should go I underst-"
Sun cuts you off with a wide grin. "Of course you can stay, stilly! Everybody can stay in the daycare, as long as they aren't 15 or older. And you do not look 15 to me." he added quietly.
 You smile back at him. Now all you had to do was stay here until closing then hide somewhere in the middle of the night. Shit, what about Moon? You didn't think of that. Ah well, you'd think about that later. You were too busy being a absolute ultra fan of Sun right now. But only in your head. NOt out loud, ever. Never.
"So.. what should I call you?" you asked trying to sound casual. "Sun?" You glanced over at the giant poster on the wall. "...Sunnydrop?" 
The animatronic flinched a little at the latter name. "You can call me Sun, Sunrise, Sundrop, Sunny, whatever you're comfortable with, new friend! Except Sunnydrop. It's the name of the candy! I don't know why they made it so similar.." He sighs, cutting himself off. "Sorry, new friend, got a little carried away. What's your name?"
"My name is Y/N." you introduce.
"Well, Y/N," Sun says, rising out of his crouching position. Holy hell, he was crouching? He's tall! 

" you wanna play tag?" 

Authors Note: I am 5 WORDS AWAY from 1k words, SO CLOSE! Not counting this note, of course ^^ 
I've never really written publicly before (My other cringy shit had 0 views earlier today, they weren't exactly made for the public. As I said in the description, the main character is a MINOR, all relationships will be non-sexual. Yes, I'm planning on adding on bringing in the other animatronics. No, I'm not gonna touch Eclipse, that would require planning and I hate planning. Yes, I'm answering questions even though nobody asked for questions. Alright, goodnight to me unless I get another inspiration boost blah okay BYEEEEEEE

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