Broken Reality

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casually copy-pasting first few chapters into wattpad

You woke up the next morning relieved to hear the birds singing outside. But there was more light streaming into your window than usual. You sat up. Where the hell did the tree go? There used to be a small tree tat sat right outside your window. Where had it gone? You got out of bed and changed, noting the change in wardrobe compared to yesterday, before the clock stopped ticking. Something had definitely happened. But what? Emerging from your room, you made a beeline to the television, turning it on. You noted the name of the news station. Since when did you live in Idaho? They were on the weather reports, pretty normal, and then... what the actual fuck? 

FAZBEAR ENT.'S PIZZAPLEX CELEBRATES FIRST WEEK SINCE OPENING, the title read. Oh, you realized. Oh shit. What magic fuckery had caused this?

You'd say you spent about an hour rambling to yourself on the couch before you mother came in. You had always woken up earlier then the others in your house. "What the hell are you talking about?" she asked. Not at all like your mother, wo was much kinder.
"Mom, can you tell me what the hell happened last night?" you asked, voice desperate. She gave you a slightly confused look. "We ate dinner, you did your homework, and then we went to bed. A normal night, sweetie." Sweetie? She never called you sweetie.
"Look, mom, or whoever you are, I don't know what happened. But, I was in my room drawing because you were at work, and suddenly everything just, stopped. I was the only thing that could move. And then I woke up this morning, and everything is different. You're different, the house is different, we live in a different state! Please, you have to believe me!"

Her gaze burned into you. "(Y/N)", she said, "I don't have a job." Then, she got up, and walked towards the phone. "stay right there," she said quietly. Oh no.. She was gonna call somebody at the doctors, wasn't she? She probably thought you were crazy! and you had no way to prove what happened, what if you actually were crazy, they were gonna lock you up for the rest of your life in a tiny room without windows where you'd never have any freedom ever again-
Then it dawned on you. Why should you stay? Your parents are different, your family is different. If whatever happens changes back, then you can always just come home. But where would you go? You glanced back at the TV, still showcasing the pizzaplex in all its glory. You knew exactly where you were going.

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