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Chang Yuan strode purposefully down the hallway, his mind occupied with the latest developments in their ongoing case. The dimly lit corridor was a stark contrast to the bustling activity that seemed to engulf every other department they passed. Meanwhile, Li Cheng trailed closely behind him, her hands cradling two steaming cups of coffee. As they walked, Chang Yuan unconsciously ran a hand through his hair, a familiar gesture when deep in thought or frustrated. The weight of their investigation hung heavily on his shoulders, and he needed the latest information to piece together the puzzle.

Without breaking his pace, Chang Yuan posed his question to Li Cheng, his inquiry cutting through the air. "What did you get from the two witnesses?" The weight of their investigation hung heavily on his shoulders, and he needed the latest information to piece together the puzzle.

Li Cheng's tired but focused gaze met his as she handed him a cup of coffee, her hand steady despite the long hours of work. She recounted their interaction with the pregnant woman who had last seen the victim before he entered his room, her voice carrying the details they had gleaned. "We've already spoken to the pregnant woman," she began, "the last person to have spotted the victim before he entered his room."

Their conversation took an unexpected turn when Chang Yuan's fingers subconsciously went to his chin, gently rubbing it as he contemplated the implications of the witness's statement. "Did she notice anything unusual about the victim?" he inquired, hoping for a breakthrough.

Li Cheng took a moment to collect her thoughts, taking a sip from her own coffee mug before continuing. "She mentioned that the victim appeared nervous or anxious before entering his room. According to her, he stood motionless in front of his door for a few moments, as if contemplating something, before finally turning the knob and entering."

Chang Yuan's brows furrowed with concern as he digested this information. In the midst of their heated debate, a revelation surfaced. He probed further, his inquiry sharp. "Did you inquire if she spotted anyone following the victim into his room?"

Li Cheng, her expression mirroring her own weariness, took a moment to collect her thoughts. She grabbed a mini notebook in her uniform's pocket and flipped through the pages until she found the pertinent notes and handed them to Chang. "We did ask," she explained with a sigh. "But she denied seeing anyone following the victim. Moreover, she mentioned that she was about to return to her own room, so she didn't pay much attention to the neighboring tenant across the hall."

As Chang Yuan mulled over the witness's statement, his fingers ran through his hair, the tension evident in his movements as he reached down to his neck. After a thoughtful pause, he nodded, a glimmer of realization in his eyes, and resumed his brisk walk towards their office. His forceful push opened the two transparent doors, granting access to the room beyond.

Inside, the atmosphere was thick with the weight of the investigation's gravity. The room buzzed with the sound of typing as other team members diligently worked at their computers. Exiting the cluttered office, Chang Yuan and Li Cheng found themselves in the eerie silence of the crime scene. Chang Yuan's inquiry hung in the air, prompting Li Cheng to respond. She recounted the security guard's statement regarding the hotel's surveillance cameras, her voice more even and composed now. "The security officer responsible for the hotel's surveillance cameras stated that there were no unusual activities captured in the recordings. I've already requested complete copies of the footage, spanning from 12 hours before the murder until the day after. It's all stored in the computer files."

Li Cheng concluded her report, settled into her workstation, and took her seat. Chang Yuan joined her, standing at her back, his gaze locked onto the monitor's screen as they watched the footage again.

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