Chapter 3

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After a long walk, they finally reached the owl house and, to Hunter's dismay, the Owl Lady was outside the front of the house talking to hooty and king.

" yeah, if you've seen it, let me know." She was talking to king when she saw the three teenagers.

"Hey, Eda!" Said Luz happily.

"Isn't that the beat-up blonde from eclipse lake?" Asked Eda.

"Yep! This is Hunter. We found him under a tree. He's really injured, and I think in a lot of pain, so he needs our help." Explained Luz.

Eda walked over to Hunter and looked at his injuries.

"Wow, this is serious, kid. You've got countless cuts, a few broken ribs,  a broken collarbone, and you've lost a lot of blood..."

She led Hunter into the house and sat him down on the couch.

"How did this happen?" She asked.

"Belos." Said Hunter simply.

She asked him to lie down, and then realised his hands were still bound.

"Hey, Amity, can ya let him go? He's not going to do anything." Called Eda from the kitchen.

Amity begrudgingly removed the abomination restraints.

"Fine, but I don't understand why we're just accepting him into our home! He's our enemy. He's the Golden Guard."

Amity angrily stormed upstairs, taking Luz with her.

Hunter was slowly falling asleep on the comfortable sofa; he hadn't realised how tired he was until now.

Slowly he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When he woke up, he slowly registered that he was covered in bandages.

And he was topless.

Which means they had seen his scars.

He scrabbled to grab the blanket thrown across the armrest of the couch and hide his scars, which was pointless because they had already seen them.

Every scar was a reminder of a time he had failed Belos, and he hated the fact that no matter what he did, no matter what healer he went to, no one could get rid of them.

Eda walked into the room, a glass of apple blood in her hand.

"Good morning, kid. How did you sleep? Wow, I cant believe I get to tell Luz I was there to witness Hunter finally get some sleep." She joked, walking over to the couch and sitting on the armrest.

"Did...did you see them?" Asked Hunter. Of course she had seen them.

"The scars? Yeah, sorry you had to go through...what ever happened, blondie. How did ya get them? Maybe we could heal them?"

Hunter shook his head and sat up.

"Every time I failed a mission, or spoke out of turn, or did anything that Belos didn't like, he'd...hurt me. And no, you cant heal them. Ive already tried."

Rascal hopped into his lap and looked up at him.

"Why am I even telling you this? You're the enemy." He chuckled. "I really am a failure."

Eda moved to sit next to him and gave him a small hug.

"Nah, you're just a weirdo, and us weirdos stick together."

She stood up and handed the apple blood to Hunter.

"Drink that, it'll help. And, by the way, if you're physically able, move upstairs to one of the other rooms 'cause my sister Lilith is coming over tonight, and she kinda hates you, soooo..."

A Usual Hunter Fic (OFF HIATUS!)Where stories live. Discover now