Not so Different

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I am finishing setting up my new phone, which I had just bought today, since now I have the money for things like this. Then Peter knocks at the door.

It was my turn on the bed and his on the couch.

I look over at the doorway since I don't really close the door, I usually change in the closet or bathroom so there wasn't much use to closing a door when I had nothing to hide and it wasn't my home to begin with.

"I made dinner, so, um, if you're hungry..." He trails off. I smile laughing a little at his attempt to socialize. I nod and get up and off the bed.

I served myself a bowl of pasta he had made, Chicken Alfredo, my favorite.

We sat around the little round dining table Peter had. In silence. Maybe for a little too long, because my leg starts bouncing under the table as the awkwardness grows and my anxiety along with it.

"Talk!" I blurted out not being able to take it any longer. He looks at me startled and confused. "Sorry, I just, um, what I meant to say was, we should talk. We are going to be living together for a while, and we might as well get... comfortable? I mean, being friends wouldn't hurt. And I mean actual friends, not just acquaintances, or people who say hey and bye every once in a while." I could feel my face get hot and my palms sweaty. Why am I so nervous?

"Okay..." He says clearly, still trying to take everything I said in. "Well, when's your birthday?"

"Oh, um, September 10th," I say not expecting that to be his first question in starting a conversation. "Yours?"

"August 10th."

"Same day, one month apart, nice."

"Yeah well, I'm assuming it's not the same year either," He says and clears his throat.

"Wait, how old are you?" I speak with a mouthful of pasta, it makes him laugh a little.

"23." He says. I knew he wasn't too much older than me, which was a reason I was so bothered by him calling me a kid, because he wasn't old enough to scold me. "You?"

"19." I say.

We continue talking like this, questions and answers. We learn a lot about each other. We share a few interests, music taste, my love for musicals and his love for Star Wars.

We're not so different, yet different enough to introduce new things to each other.

This might not be so bad.

Gwen Stark (First POV)Where stories live. Discover now