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Winter Break is over and Peter is back to college. I take an earlier shift so I won't be alone in the apartment.

I tried taking on hobbies, but I'm what one would consider a social butterfly. Boredom got the best of me so it only made sense to work while Peter was in class. I even considered the whole college thing, but in all honesty I wouldn't know what to study or major in. So work it is, for now at least.

So I'm working on a Tuesday morning when this happens;

"Hey." I hear and look up from the register after finishing the last customer's order.

"Hey, what can I get for you?" I ask the guy standing in front of me.

He looks nervous, who would be nervous to order coffee? Maybe he has social anxiety?

"Um, would you like to go out sometime?" He blurts out which catches me by surprise. I open my mouth but come up with no response. "I'm, I'm sorry, that was sudden. I promised I rehearsed. Let me start over, What I meant to say was Hi. My name is Ethan. I come here, a lot, and I see you. And you are attractive and, I was wondering if you weren't seeing anyone then would you like to have dinner with me?" He says a little more calmly. I smiled and laugh at his attempt to ask me out, it was charming.

"Well, I," I start and notice the hope fade from his face.

Where am I even going with this?

Why not?

Peter Parker.

But there isn't anything going on between us, not really.

"Sure. I'm Gwen."

"Great, can I get your number?" He asks.

Shit, no phone yet. No money for a phone yet, I haven't needed a phone. Most of my friends stop by work to talk, live less than 3 blocks away.

"I, I actually have my phone getting fixed at a, um, place so I don't..." Yeah, great excuse Gwen.

"No worries," He grabs a napkin and a marker from behind the register. "Here is my number and as soon as your phone gets fixed," He hands me the marker and napkin. "Give me a call." He smiles and walks away.

Okay, so I need a phone.

I finally got home after what seemed like the longest day at work. I rush into the bedroom to find Peter shutting his laptop immediately as I open the door.

Okay, not gonna ask.

"I need a phone," I say. He looks at me confused at the sudden request. "I am an adult who goes out and has a job and I don't have a phone, I have no phone number, People can't contact me. I've made enough money for one so not having one is just, It's ridiculous."

"Okay, we can do that." He looks down at my hand, I'm still holding the napkin. "W-What's that?"

"Just, um," Wow, this is really hard to say, why is this so hard to say? "A phone number." I raise the napkin. "A guy's phone number. A guy who asked me out today. So I need a phone." Okay, maybe I didn't have to add the whole guy part or that fact that I was asked out.

But I can't help it. He's my best friend and I feel compelled to share this type of stuff with him.

"Ok." For some reason his blank response makes me feel angry. Like a kid. I don't know why I was expecting more. A different reaction. I need attention, his attention. So I continue.

"I said yes." I say, and surprise myself with the tone of irritation in my voice. He slides the laptop off his lap and sits at the edge of the bed facing me.

I don't break eye contact. Like it's some sort of unspoken game.

One I don't want to lose.

He lets out a sigh and closes his eyes letting his head fall back.

I win.

After a moment he returns his gaze towards me.

"Let's go get you your phone." He says. And that was it.

Gwen Stark (First POV)Where stories live. Discover now