20.daisies and accessories

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They finally said it...or sort of [:

Questioning Taehyung's sleep preferences was just out of the question considering that they decided to unspool like yarn within a time span of ten minutes.

Ten minutes. That's all it took for the famous idol Kim Taehyung to get all cuddly. And if you refused, you're pretty sure going to see the face of a cute pouty five-year-old, except with his eyes shriveled up as he tries to attempt puppy eyes with them closed. And that felt like a swift in persona with drastic jumps in between.

But that's also what makes a personality unique. Not everyone is the same and those fifty shades of personality traits are the things that separate you from another person. And if the world isn't ready to accept that, then maybe they aren't ready for you yet.

Jungkook woke up to the sun shining on his face a few hours later, which was a first considering that he never woke up early. Seeing that he wouldn't be able to go back to bed anytime soon, he dragged himself out of the plush mattress and the comforting arms of Kim Taehyung to make breakfast.

What wasn't supposed to happen was an unexpected encounter first thing in the morning with the microwave that was placed right next to the toaster. Of course, he wouldn't have known with Taehyung holding the reigns of the kitchen all the time due to his fiascos of using pots to boil rice and whatnot. But he was educated with the basics, just not with a microwave facing him.

Without thinking twice, he grabbed his phone and dialed the first number he could think of.

"Jin, you there?" he said with a tremble to the handheld device, placing the bread on his ear.

"Honestly Jungkook, I wouldn't be surprised if a DNA test proved that you and Namjoon were blood-related. The bread isn't the cell phone and instead of seeing you on a video call, I see a hand holding a piece of untoasted bread for god knows what to their ear..."

"Oh, sorry about that," he replied in haste, placing the bread down and positioning the phone. "How's that hand of yours?"

"Could be better, we're removing the gauze layer off tomorrow and I'll be able to have full function, just like before. Now, what brings you to call me out of the blue?"

"I have a crisis that needs solving."

"Alright, talk away," Jin answered, placing the phone on the countertop of the cafe as he turned around to clean up before customers arrived.

"I need to make breakfast and um..."

"I'm pretty sure that I've taught you to make toast Kook, it's not rocket science, just place the toast in and it'll notify when it's done."

"It's not the toast. It's something else."

"You want to impress Taehyung with your culinary skills? I'm pretty sure that he knows that you haven't the slightest idea to cook," Jin said with a laugh.

"It's not that either," Jungkook blushed. "It's the device next to the toaster," he pointed out, flipping the camera so that Jin could get a closer look.

"Are we back to this again? It's a microwave, not something that will eat you up. Now man up and use the toaster."

"It's next to the toaster..."

"So remove the plug of the microwave you dimwit. That way it won't turn on when you're fumbling with the buttons to power it off with your elbow facing the other way."

"That is a valid point.."

"You know I state valid points," Jin said proudly. "Now quit bothering me and get on with making your toast."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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