Chapter 3

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"You all don't seem surprised with this new development." Freddie, one of the policemen said. "I am." I said, looking down, worried they could tell I was lying. "I think we're all just processing." Willow added. "How do you know she's not in Texas anymore?" I said. "You reported her leaving in a mysterious vehicle. However, after asking a lot of others for eyewitnesses, no one reports seeing or hearing a vehicle leaving El's house that night, other than when El's parents returned home and when the cops arrived." Freddie said. "There's also not many vehicles leaving on traffic cams. "The only explanation is that they went to the nearby private airport. There's a route they could have taken to avoid cameras and make it to the airport." Ryan said. "Why are you telling us this?" I asked. "Since this is no longer a state emergency, Eloise's case will get national coverage. You'll be seeing her on the news a lot more and we wanted to give you a heads up." Ryan explained. "We also wanted to give you girls another chance to tell us exactly what happened that night." Freddie said. "Would you mind doing that so we can compare your current account of the events with our notes?" He asked. We all nodded and both officers got their notes out. "Who wants to begin?" 

"The second time they came back was during school."  Eloise said as she closed her eyes, recounting the memory.

Eloise's POV

"Today we're going to focus on the story of Harriet Tubman by watching the movie that came out in honor of her memory." My social studies teacher Mrs. Andrews announced, making everyone cheer. "Yes!" I said, looking at Hope who also was excited to watch a movie. Hope sits next to me in this class while Willow and Ariel sit in front of us and Mercedes sits behind us."Have you watched this movie before?" Hope asked and I shook my head no. "I get that they were trying to inform people about our history but our history is sad and scary. I don't like sad movies." I admitted. As a black person, this topic has always been emotional for me. "Well don't worry. I'll make sure you stay happy the entire time." Hope said. 

The movie started and our teacher turned off the lights. She informed us that if we talk during the movie, the movie is turning off and that we will spend the rest of class doing book work. Of course no one wants that. After a little while, I start to doodle in my notebook out of habit. While I do, all of a sudden, I feel a whisper on my neck. "You didn't unblock us." The voice said. Quickly my head shoots up. "Hope did you say something?" I asked her. "Shh!" Everyone shushed me and I rolled my eyes at them before waiting for Hope's response. "No I didn't. Stop talking." Hope said, returning her attention to the movie. So I decide to go back to my doodling but just before my pencil hits the paper, I feel someone squeeze my sides. Knowing the teacher doesn't want us to make noise, I clamped my mouth shut to conceal the giggles that wanted to escape. "Eloise, we told you to unblock us." The voice said, now speaking at full volume. I look around and no one seems to hear him but me. "I thought we made ourselves clear." Another voice said as I felt more hands tickling my thighs. "I guess you want to learn the hard way." The voice said as I feel one of them blow a raspberry into my stomach. I squealed before quickly covering my mouth, making the whole class turn to me in confusion. "El, are you okay? Why is your face red?" Hope asked but I couldn't even respond. It tickled so much I couldn't talk without erupting into a giggling mess. "Eloise, is something wrong?" Mrs. Andrews said, pausing the movie. "Restroom." I managed to say. "Oh yes you can go. Go on." She said. I stood up quickly, making the ticklish feeling stop, and ran out of the classroom, closing the door behind me. 

Once I was out of the classroom, it seemed like they left. So I started to actually walk to the restroom only to be pulled into an empty classroom by a mysterious force. Once I was in the room, the doors locked and both boys appeared before my eyes, standing in front of the door that traps me inside with them. One boy was tall and dark skinned with purple curly hair and purple eyes. The other boy was barely taller, light skinned, had dark blue curly hair and royal blue eyes. I wondered if it was a coincidence that those are my two favorite colors. "Hi Eloise." The purple haired boy said with a smirk. "Who the hell are you?" I asked both of them, stepping away from them in shock. "I'm Storm."  The blue haired boy said. "And I'm Angel." The purple haired boy said. "Well, Storm, Angel, great to meet both of you. Now if you would excuse me." I said, trying to push them away from the door. Then they both grabbed each of my hands and held them over my head before holding me up against one of the walls in the classroom. "Let me go!" I yelled at both of them. "Why did you block us El?" Storm said they each used one hand to hold me against the wall and the other started digging their fingers into my stomach. "I don't know you!" I giggled, trying to kick them away with my feet. Then, Storm trapped my right leg in between both of his legs while Angel did the same thing with my left leg. "Ah! Stop it!" I giggled, trying with all my might to get myself free. "You belong with us El. The sooner you realize that, the better." Angel whispered into my neck, only making me giggle harder. "Stop whispering in my neck!" I giggled, making them both chuckle. "We'll stop tickling you for now if you promise to unblock us for real this time." Storm whispered. "Okay! I'll unblock you!" I giggled. "And if you don't, the next time we show up, we'll tickle you nonstop forever." Storm said as they both blew raspberries into my neck. "AH! OKAY OKAY!" I giggled and they finally stopped, letting go of both of my wrists. "Talk to you soon cutie." Angel said as they both vanish into thin air with smirks glued onto their faces. I slide down the wall until I was sitting down, not really sure of what just happened. Then I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and unblocked their number. Immediately after I did, I got another message. 

Unknown Number : I'm addicted to your giggle love. One day, we won't have to stop. - A 

And then a new message popped up from another number. 

Unknown Number: Well aren't you lucky? You've got yourself two tickle monsters. - S 

End of Eloise's POV

"El, oh my gosh." I gasped and she nodded. "How long has this been going on?" I asked. "Only a week." She said. "They're coming for me tonight. That's why I wanted to do the sleepover." El said. "No, you're not leaving. Come on. Let's go tell the other girls. We'll protect you." I said and she nodded so I started leaving the kitchen. "Hope?" El said and I turned around. "You forgot about the popcorn." "Just grab it and let's go." I told her. 


A/N - As you guys can probably tell, this story is similar to Flawless in some ways but only in the sense that the main boy characters in this story are supernatural and there's a lot of tickling. Pretty much everything else is different.

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