Chapter 6

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One of the boys has a pale complexion with straight and short silver hair while the other one has a light skinned complexion with light pink short and straight hair. And their eyes matched their hair color. The boy with pink hair was wearing a plain gray sweatshirt with jeans while the other guy was wearing a black jeans with a blue shirt that said the words "Leilea" in white letters.

Who the hell is Leilea? 

Also, similar to the boys that took El, they're really REALLY cute but it was hard to focus on that since I knew they both planned on kidnapping me. 

Is it a coincidence that pink and silver are also my two favorite colors? Wasn't it the same thing for El? What the actual heck? 

"What do you want?" I said, stepping away from them slowly. "Where are your manners?" The pink haired guy said and they both smirked and approached me, making me super nervous. "When you meet someone for the first time you're supposed to introduce yourself. Duh." The pink haired guy said. "That rule doesn't apply to kidnappers." I said. "Goodness she is so rude." The silver guy said playfully, making me roll my eyes. "Fine. We'll introduce ourselves first. I'm Silver." the silver haired guy said, making me giggle a little. "Wow. How creative." I teased only making him run towards me in a flash and dig his fingers into my stomach.

So they have super speed too. Great. 

I immediately erupted into giggles. "Okay okay I'm sorry!" I giggled, pushing him away and running to the opposite side of the room. "That smile is amazing!" The pink haired guy said as they both walked towards me. "Wait! You never introduced yourself." I said, referring to the pink haired guy, trying to buy myself some time as they cornered me.

Well this backfired very quickly. 

"You want me to tell you so you can laugh at my name too?" he said, smirking at me. "No! I would never!" I giggled as they started wiggling their fingers at me. "Stay back!" I giggled. "My name's Aubrey." He said just as they both grabbed a foot and took off my shoes. "Wait! Silver, Aubrey, let's talk this out!" I giggled out right as they each started scratching the bottoms of my feet, making me erupt into a fit of giggles. "Look at these adorable little toes!" Aubrey said, dancing his fingers along my toes. "Must everything about you be so beautiful?" Silver asked and I barely respond through my giggles. "Please!" I squealed and they finally slowed down and stopped. Then they  grabbed a hold of my waist and slide me down so I was laying on my back. "Leave me alone you crazies!" I giggled at them, trying to push them away. "Very soon, you're going to me all ours." Aubrey said as they raised up my shirt. "No! Stop it!" I giggled, trying to pull my shirt down but they wouldn't let me. "And when you are," Silver said as they held my hands up with one hand and used the other two draw circles on my belly. "We'll never stop making you giggle. No matter what you say." Silver said. "That's if you get away with taking me." I giggled, challenging them. "Challenge accepted." They both smirked before they both blew raspberries into my neck, making my giggle like crazy. They didn't stop there! They went on to whisper into my neck. "You belong to us." Silver whispered. "Your belly is so perfect and soft and squeezable." Aubrey whispered. "You'll never escape us once we take you." Aubrey whispered. "We're going to tickle you forever." Silver whispered. They did all of this while still drawing circles and teasing my stomach and started planting soft kisses in between their words. "Awww does it tickle too much?" Aubrey teased. "Yes it tickles!" I squealed, still giggling super hard. "Good." He whispered, planting even more kisses.  It tickled like nothing has ever tickled before. "See you soon my love." Aubrey whispered as I felt them stop. "Bye beautiful." Silver said and I watched as both of them vanished into thin air. 

I sat up and looked around in astonishment. That was actually insane. Then I got another message of course from an unknown number. 

Unknown number - You're still blushing my love. - A 

I don't know if Silver and Aubrey just happen to be more flirtatious than Storm and Angel but I have not stopped blushing ever since I met them. They keep sending me messages that make my face light up like a police siren. 

Unknown number - Why do you look so beautiful? - A 

Unknown number - I wonder how many kisses I can place on your stomach before you erupt into giggles in front of your whole class. - S 

Unknown number - I want to kiss you from head to toe so badly right now. - A 

Unknown number - When you get home, your parents will be at work and you'll be home alone. It's going to tickle a lot.- S 

Unknown number - You're not getting any homework done tonight. - A

Unknown number - Would it tickle you too much if we licked your toes? I'll take no response as a no. - S 

Unknown number - Are you ticklish everywhere? Cause there's not one spot on your body I don't want to tickle. - A 

"Hope, why is your face so red?" Willow asked. I'm back at the lunch table with my friends and my phone is in my hand under the table, buzzing over and over with messages from Silver and Aubrey. "I'm kind of hot." I said, taking off my sweater. "You've been quiet since we talked to the police. Did they make you nervous?" Ariel asked. "Or did we make you nervous?" I hear and feel Aubrey whisper into my neck, making me bit my lip from the ticklish feeling and shrug my shoulders up. "No, no one made me nervous." I said, answering both of their questions. "Well, we need a plan of action so we can get Eloise back and prevent any more kidnappings." Willow said and I nodded in agreement. "Awww you think you can stop us?" Silver said as I felt him dig his fingers into my hips, making me giggle. I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth. "Excuse me." I said, pretending like I just coughed. "Stop it." I whispered, hearing them chuckle. Surprisingly after that, they did stop tickling me but they didn't stop texting. "So what's the plan?" I asked as I felt my phone buzz once again. 

Unknown number - Breaking News - Hope's going to get tickled like crazy tonight - S 

My stomach filled with butterflies and I could feel my face turning red again. I hoped that maybe at least they would stop texting me after that so I could recover from their blush-worthy texts but of course, I get another.

Unknown number - Please keep blushing. It's driving us crazy! - A 

After reading that one, I couldn't help but smile and I don't even know why I was smiling. They are crazy but they definitely know how to get a reaction out of me. 


A/N - Let me know in the comments what you think of the story so far 

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